Espen W. Remme

  • Group leader, Senior scientist; M.Sc., Dr. Ing.
  • +47 230 71413

Otto A. Smiseth

  • Professor Emeritus and former Head of Division of Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Diseases; MD, PhD
  • +47 230 73271

Marie Stugaard

  • Associate professor; MD, PhD

Kristoffer Russell

  • Consultant Cardiologist, MD, PhD
  • +47 230 73798

Helge Skulstad

  • Head of Section of Cardiac Imaging; MD, PhD
  • +47 230 72409

Esra Kaya

  • Postdoctoral Researcher; MD, PhD

Hongxing Luo

  • Post doc; MD, PhD

Marit Witsø

  • PhD fellow; MD

Lars-Egil Hammersbøen

  • PhD fellow; MD

Ole Jakob Sletten

  • PhD fellow, MD

Vetle Frostelid

  • PhD fellow; M.Sc.

Faraz Hameed Khan

  • PhD fellow, MD

Camilla Kjellstad Larsen

  • Cardiology fellow; MD

John M. Aalen

  • Postdoc and cardiology fellow; MD, PhD

Kari Melberg

  • Research nurse
  • +47 230 73517

Espen Bøe

  • Researcher, Cardiologist, MD, PhD
  • +47 230 71404

Petter Storsten

  • MD, PhD

Thomas Helle-Valle

  • Consultant Cardiologist, MD, PhD
  • +47 230 73272

Ola Gjesdal

  • Consultant Cardiologist, MD, PhD
  • +47 230 73913

Anders Opdahl

  • Head of Angiography Laboratory, Ullevål Hospital, OUH; MD, PhD
  • +47 221 19570

Einar Hopp

  • Consultant radiologist; MD, PhD

Katsuji Inoue

  • Professor, Visiting Researcher; MD, PhD

Kasumi Masuda

  • Section Chief; PhD

Øyvind Senstad Andersen

  • Cardiologist and internist; MD, PhD