- New State-of-the-Art Review article: Myocardial Strain Imaging: Theory, Current Practice, and the Future
https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1936878X24003012 - New Review Article: Left atrium as key player and essential biomarker in heart failure
(https://www.journal-of-cardiology.com/article/S0914-5087(24)00135-7/fulltext) - New British Guidelines on imaging/echo diagnostics of diastolic dysfunction have been published where results from two of our recent studies are included:
(https://echo.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s44156-024-00051-2) - Camilla Kjellstad Larsen successfully defended her PhD:
(https://www.med.uio.no/klinmed/english/research/news-and-events/events/disputations/2024/larsen-camilla-kjellstad.html) - New article: Evaluation of left ventricular filling pressure by echocardiography in patients with atrial fibrillation
(https://echo.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s44156-024-00048-x) - New editorial: Left atrial volume as risk marker: Is minimum volume superior to maximum volume?
(https://academic.oup.com/ehjcimaging/advance-article/doi/10.1093/ehjci/jeae136/7680520) - New research letter: Echocardiographic Evaluation of Left Ventricular Filling Pressure in Patients With Pulmonary Hypertension
(https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1936878X2400024X?via%3Dihub) - New Brief Research Communication: Mental Stress Reduces Left Ventricular Strain: Can It Lead to Misinterpretation of Cancer Therapy–Related Cardiac Dysfunction?
- Best abstract at the Annual Norwegian Symposium on Heart Research
(https://norheart.no/annual-symposium-2023-winners-and-photos/) - Myocardial work seminar (PDF)
- New article: Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Identifies Responders to Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy with an Assessment of Septal Scar and Left Ventricular Dyssynchrony
(https://www.mdpi.com/2077-0383/12/22/7182) - New editorial: Left atrial reservoir strain in prognosis of heart failure and time for getting terminology straight
(https://academic.oup.com/ehjcimaging/article/25/3/325/7420906) - New editorial: Machine learning in diastolic dysfunction: Left atrial strain trace superior to single points for estimation of filling pressure
(https://academic.oup.com/ehjcimaging/article-lookup/doi/10.1093/ehjci/jead257) - New article: Non-invasive myocardial work in aortic stenosis: validation and improvement in left ventricular pressure estimation
(https://academic.oup.com/ehjcimaging/article/25/2/201/7261685) - New article: Phenotyping heart failure by echocardiography: imaging of ventricular function and haemodynamics at rest and exercise
(https://academic.oup.com/ehjcimaging/article/24/10/1329/7237775) - New editorial: Cardiovascular imaging in personalized medicine: focus issue on phenotyping heart failure
(https://academic.oup.com/ehjcimaging/article/24/10/1281/7235466) - New article: Pulse arrival time variation as a non-invasive marker of acute response to cardiac resynchronization therapy
(https://academic.oup.com/europace/article/25/3/1183/7025438) - New editorial: Personality traits and cardiovascular diseases: is it about 'don't worry, be happy', or is this a deeper underlying problem?
(https://academic.oup.com/ehjcimaging/article/24/11/1468/7234312) - New editorial: Trouble with estimating filling pressure in acute heart failure: lessons from Takotsubo syndrome
(https://academic.oup.com/ehjcimaging/article/24/6/708/7143681) - New podcast: rouble with estimating filling pressure in acute heart failure: lessons from Takotsubo syndrome
(https://esc365.escardio.org/event/1354) - New editorial: The challenge of understanding heart failure with supernormal left ventricular ejection fraction: time for building the patient's 'digital twin'
(https://academic.oup.com/ehjcimaging/article/24/3/301/6986870) - New article: Scar imaging in the dyssynchronous left ventricle: Accuracy of myocardial metabolism by positron emission tomography and function by echocardiographic strain