John M. Aalen
- Postdoc and cardiology fellow; MD, PhD
John Aalen graduated as MD from University of Oslo in 2012. Since then he has been working at Vestfold Hospital Trust (Sentralsykehuset i Vestfold), first as a part of his internship and the last year as resident in internal medicine. He joined our research group in April 2014.
His PhD work "Contractile Reserve in Dyssynchrony (CRID): A novel principle to identify candidates for cardiac resynchronization therapy" focuses on identifying candidates for cardiac resynchronization therapy and the effect of increased afterload on the left ventricle during left bundle branch block. He successfully defended his PhD thesis in May 2021.
Aalen has published several research papers and presented numerous abstracts at international and national conferences and has also won prizes for his work, including the Young Investigator Award for Basic Science at EuroEcho-Imaging Congress in Lisboa in 2017.”
PhD thesis:
Insights into left ventricular dyssynchrony: Consequences for myocardial function and response to cardiac resynchronization therapys (duo.uio.no)