Al-Haidari, Ghazwan | Gastrointestinal Oncology |
Alver, Tine Norman | Lung Cancer |
Amdal, Cecilie Delphin | Skin- and head and neck cancer [Amdal] |
Amundsen, Bente | Neuro-oncology [Brandal] |
Andersgaard, Astri | Neuro-oncology [Brandal] |
Andreassen, Grete | Cellular therapy |
Andresen, Nikolai Kragøe | Department of Clinical Cancer Research; Breast Oncology |
Anker Elfmark, Liv | Cellular therapy |
Astrup, Guro Lindviksmoen | Palliative treatment |
Aurlien, Ellen | Dept. of Oncology |
Aurore, Dougé | Cellular therapy |
Axcrona, Ulrika | Testicular Cancer Research Group [Negaard] |
Aydemir Ay, Imran | Cellular therapy |
Bains, Simer J. | Section for lymphoma and medicine [A. Fosså] |
Bassarova, Assia | Melanoma [Dolven Jacobsen] |
Berner, Kjetil | Uro-oncological Research Group [Lilleby] |
Berntsen, Irene | Dept. of Oncology |
Bjerkehagen, Bodil | Sarcoma |
Bjaanæs, Maria Moksnes | Lung Cancer |
Blaker, Yngvild Nuvin | Gyncologcial radiotherapy |
Blakstad, Hanne K. | Neuro-oncology [Brandal] |
Blystad, Anne Kirsti | Section for lymphoma and medicine [A. Fosså] |
Borgen, Ida M.H. | Neuro-oncology [Brandal] |
Boye, Kjetil | Sarcoma |
Brabrand, Sigmund | Uro-oncological Research Group [Lilleby] |
Brandal, Petter | Neuro-oncology [Brandal] |
Bratland, Åse | Skin- and head and neck cancer [Amdal] |
Brennhovd, Bjørn | Testicular Cancer Research Group [Negaard] |
Brkic, Alen | Palliative treatment |
Brodtkorb, Marianne | Section for lymphoma and medicine [A. Fosså] |
Bruheim, Kjersti | Gyncologcial radiotherapy |
Bruland, Øyvind S. | Sarcoma |
Brændengen, Morten | Gastrointestinal Oncology |
Bye, Asta | Palliative treatment |
Børve, Mari | Lung Cancer |
Dahl, Alv A. | Long Term Studies |
Dahl, Sigrun | Uro-oncological Research Group [Lilleby] ; Skin- and head and neck cancer |
Dajani, Olav F. | Palliative treatment; Gastrointestinal Oncology |
Dale, Einar | Skin- and head and neck cancer [Amdal] |
Dalen, Tonje Sofie | Lung Cancer |
Dueland, Svein | Department of Clinical Cancer Research |
Dybdahl, Brit | Gastrointestinal Oncology |
Eide, Hanne Astrid | Skin- and head and neck cancer [Amdal] |
Eide, Nils Andreas | Melanoma [Dolven Jacobsen] |
Einertsen, Emilie | Cellular therapy |
Elzawahry, Asmaa | Sarcoma |
Engebråten, Olav | Breast Oncology |
Farooqi, Saima Jamil | Lung Cancer |
Farstad, Inger Nina | Melanoma [Dolven Jacobsen] |
Fauske, Lena | Sarcoma |
Fedorcsak, Peter | Testicular Cancer Research Group [Negaard] |
Feilum, Veronica | Breast Oncology |
Flote, Vidar Gordon | Breast Oncology |
Forcados, Christopher | Cellular therapy |
Fosså, Alexander | Section for lymphoma and medicine [A. Fosså] |
Fosså, Sophie D. | Long Term Studies |
Fretland, Signe Øien | Department of Clinical Cancer Research |
Frich, Lars | Melanoma [Dolven Jacobsen] |
Frydenberg, Hanne | Breast Oncology |
Gotaas, Håvard Torvik | Section for lymphoma and medicine [A. Fosså] |
Granlund, Carin | Neuro-oncology [Brandal] |
Guren, Marianne Grønlie | Gastrointestinal Oncology |
Guren, Tormod Kyrre | Department of Clinical Cancer Research |
Halset, Eline Holli | Breast Oncology |
Halvorsen, Ann Rita | Lung Cancer |
Hamfjord, Julian | Section for lymphoma and medicine [A. Fosså] |
Heck, Ansgar | Testicular Cancer Research Group [Negaard] |
Heggebø, Liv Cathrine | Neuro-oncology [Brandal] |
Heikkilä, Reino | Dept. of Oncology |
Helland, Åslaug | Lung Cancer |
Hellebust, Taran Paulsen | Neuro-oncology [Brandal] |
Herlofson, Bente Brokstad | Skin- and head and neck cancer [Amdal] ; Uro-oncological Research Group |
Hermann, Robert | Melanoma [Dolven Jacobsen] |
Hervani, Maziar | Neuro-oncology [Brandal] |
Hess, Siri Lothe | Long Term Studies |
Hjermstad, Marianne Jensen | Palliative treatment |
Hjortland, Geir Olav | Gastrointestinal Oncology; Department of Clinical Cancer Research |
Hodt, Anders | Testicular Cancer Research Group [Negaard] |
Holte, Harald H. | Section for lymphoma and medicine [A. Fosså] |
Hompland, Ivar | Sarcoma |
Horndalsveen, Henrik | Lung Cancer |
Hornslien, Kjersti | Lung Cancer |
Hustad, Kristin Solheim | Palliative treatment |
Huynh, Thuy-Tien Maria | Skin- and head and neck cancer [Amdal] |
Hølmebakk, Toto | Sarcoma |
Hønnåshagen, Kirsti | Cellular therapy |
Haakensen, Vilde Drageset | Lung Cancer |
Inderberg, Else Marit | Cellular therapy |
Iversen, Jon Reidar | Uro-oncological Research Group [Lilleby] |
Jacobsen, Kari Dolven | Melanoma [Dolven Jacobsen] |
Jespersen, Henrik | Melanoma [Dolven Jacobsen] |
Joaquina, Sandy | Cellular therapy |
Johannesen, Tom B. | Neuro-oncology [Brandal] |
Johansen, Safora | Dept. of Oncology |
Josefsen, Dag | Cellular therapy |
Katz, Betina | Testicular Cancer Research Group [Negaard] |
Kaveh, Fatemeh | Cellular therapy |
Kefi, Wafa | Cellular therapy |
Kiserud, Cecilie E. | Long Term Studies |
Knutstad, Kjetil | Neuro-oncology [Brandal] |
Kobbeltvedt, Marthe Rosvoll | Sarcoma |
Kolstad, Arne | Section for lymphoma and medicine [A. Fosså] |
Kristensen, Gunnar B. | Dept. of Oncology |
Krpina, Klara | Cellular therapy |
Kummen, Martin | Dept. of Oncology |
Kvalheim, Gunnar | Cellular therapy; Lung Cancer |
Kvaløy, Stein O. | Long Term Studies |
Kvam, Anne Marie | Neuro-oncology [Brandal] |
Kvestad, Ellen | Head & Neck |
Kyte, Jon Amund | Breast Oncology; Department of Clinical Cancer Research |
Kåresen, Rolf | Breast & Endocrine Surgery |
Kaasa, Stein | Palliative treatment; Dept. of Oncology |
Langberg, Carl W. | Testicular Cancer Research Group [Negaard] |
Larsen, Signe Melsen | Testicular Cancer Research Group [Negaard] |
Larssen, Stein Sæbøe | Cellular therapy |
Lehne, Gustav | Section for lymphoma and medicine [A. Fosså] |
Leray, Thibault | Cellular therapy |
Lilleby, Wolfgang | Uro-oncological Research Group [Lilleby] ; Urological oncology |
Lindin Jørgensen, Jens Andreas | Cellular therapy |
Lofterød, Trygve | Breast Oncology |
Lundby, Marianne | Cellular therapy |
Lundeby, Tonje | Palliative treatment |
Lund-Iversen, Marius | Lung Cancer |
Løkkevik, Erik | Breast Oncology |
Magelssen, Henriette | Neuro-oncology [Brandal] |
Maggadottir, Solrun Melkorka | Cellular therapy |
Mathiesen, Randi Margit Ruud | Breast Oncology |
Mensali, Nadia | Cellular therapy |
Midttun, Helene L.E. Dahle | Centre for Advanced Cell Therapy (ACT) |
Moan, Jon M. | Skin- and head and neck cancer [Amdal] |
Mowinckel, Lene | Cellular therapy |
Müller, Elisabeth | Lung Cancer |
Mæhle, Lovise Olaug | Melanoma [Dolven Jacobsen] |
Mælandsmo, Gunhild Mari | Lung Cancer |
Naderi, Elin Hallan | Skin- and head and neck cancer [Amdal] |
Naume, Bjørn | Breast Oncology |
Negaard, Helene F. S. | Testicular Cancer Research Group [Negaard] |
Nese, Soran | Cellular therapy |
Nguyen, Cecilie | Cellular therapy |
Nyakas, Marta Sølvi | Melanoma [Dolven Jacobsen] ; Department of Clinical Cancer Research |
Nymoen, Hanne Marte Gjertsen | Lung Cancer |
Ohnstad, Hege Oma | Breast Oncology |
Olaussen, Richard W | Cellular therapy |
Olsen, Jan-Åge | Gastrointestinal Oncology |
Opperud, Vigdis Sandviken | Long Term Studies |
Panagopoulos, Ioannis | Neuro-oncology [Brandal] |
Pasetto, Anna | Centre for Advanced Cell Therapy (ACT) |
Ramberg, Christina | Neuro-oncology [Brandal] |
Reinertsen, Kristin Valborg | Breast Oncology |
Riis, Margit Leonie Hesla | Breast & Endocrine Surgery |
Riise, Jon | Section for lymphoma and medicine [A. Fosså] |
Rodrigues, Ana Margarida Dantas de Brito | Section for lymphoma and medicine [A. Fosså] |
Rogg, Lotte Victoria | Lung Cancer; Urological oncology |
Rosselle, Léa | Cellular therapy |
Rud, Erik | Testicular Cancer Research Group [Negaard] |
Russnes, Kjell Magne | Uro-oncological Research Group [Lilleby] |
Ryder, Truls | Melanoma [Dolven Jacobsen] |
Røssevold, Andreas Hagen | Breast Oncology; Department of Clinical Cancer Research |
Saxhaug, Cathrine | Melanoma [Dolven Jacobsen] ; Neuro-oncology |
Scherer, Eveline | Cellular therapy |
Schlichting, Ellen | Breast & Endocrine Surgery; Breast Oncology |
Schou-Bredal, Inger | Breast & Endocrine Surgery |
Skjønsberg, Gudbrand | Breast & Endocrine Surgery |
Skoge, Lisbeth J. | Cellular therapy |
Skotheim, Rolf I. | Testicular Cancer Research Group [Negaard] |
Slørdahl, Kathinka Schmidt | Lung Cancer |
Smeby, Jørgen | Gastrointestinal Oncology |
Smedman, Tor Magnus | Gastrointestinal Oncology |
Smedsland, Solveig Katrine | Breast Oncology |
Smeland, Knut Halvor Bjøro | Department of Clinical Cancer Research; Section for lymphoma and medicine |
Solberg, Steinar | Lung Cancer |
Sonnenberg, Markus Bækkedal | Skin- and head and neck cancer [Amdal] |
Sprauten, Mette | Neuro-oncology [Brandal] |
Steinfeldt-Reisse, Claudius Henrich | Melanoma [Dolven Jacobsen] |
Stensheim, Hanne | Palliative treatment |
Storås, Anne Holck | Uro-oncological Research Group [Lilleby] |
Strømmen Martinsen, Karoline | Cellular therapy |
Svennevig, Jan Ludvig | Lung Cancer |
Switlyk, Marta Daniela | Neuro-oncology [Brandal] |
Sætersdal, Anna Barbro | Breast Oncology |
Tafjord, Gunnar | Uro-oncological Research Group [Lilleby] |
Telet, Ali | Cellular therapy |
Thadchanamoorthy, Janani | Neuro-oncology [Brandal] |
Thomassen, Solveig Undheim | Skin- and head and neck cancer [Amdal] |
Thomsen, Maria | Gastrointestinal Oncology |
Thon, Kristian | Uro-oncological Research Group [Lilleby] |
Thorsen, Lene | Long Term Studies |
Thune, Inger | Breast Oncology |
Thunold, Solfrid Maria | Lung Cancer |
Torfoss, Dag | Dept. of Oncology |
Tropé, Claes Göran | Dept. of Oncology |
Tryggestad, Anne Merete | Cellular therapy |
Tse Zhiong Hellesøy, Henrik | Cellular therapy |
Tveit, Kjell Magne | Dept. of Oncology |
Tøraasen, Ingrid Høye | Gastrointestinal Oncology |
Ullern, Andreas | Department of Clinical Cancer Research |
Undseth, Christine | Gastrointestinal Oncology |
Urrizola, Amaia | Palliative treatment |
Vandraas, Kathrine F. | Breast Oncology |
Vidarsdotter Juul, Hedvig | Cellular therapy |
Villatoro, Alicia | Cellular therapy |
Wahlqvist, Rolf | Testicular Cancer Research Group [Negaard] |
Westgaard, Arne | Gastrointestinal Oncology |
Westgaard, Kristine Løken | Skin- and head and neck cancer [Amdal] |
Winge-Main, Anna K. | Melanoma [Dolven Jacobsen] ; Cellular therapy |
Wingård Skøien, Helene | Cellular therapy |
Wist, Erik A. | Breast Oncology |
Wold, Bente | Section for lymphoma and medicine [A. Fosså] |
Wälchli, Sébastien | Cellular therapy |
Yri, Olav Erich | Palliative treatment; Dept. of Oncology |
Øjlert, Åsa Kristina | Lung Cancer |
Østenstad, Bjørn | Section for lymphoma and medicine [A. Fosså] |
Østgaard, Anne Alexandra | Breast Oncology |
Aamdal, Elin | Gastrointestinal Oncology; Department of Clinical Cancer Research |
Åsli, Linn Merete | Gastrointestinal Oncology |
Aass, Nina | Palliative treatment |