Vision and expectations

The vision, goals, and strategy for research at MIK is described in this document.


What MIK expects from you

  • To perform good research.
  • Be a good lab citizen → Respectful behavior is expected from everyone, this includes adhere to routines in the lab, offices and communal areas.
  • Professional Conduct → We expect every MIK staff to maintain the highest standards of professional behavior, adhere to ethical guidelines, and follow all organizational policies and codes of conduct.
  • Collaboration → We foster a culture of collaboration and teamwork. We encourage open communication and the sharing of knowledge to achieve common goals.
  • Research Ethics → You should uphold the principles of research ethics, ensuring the integrity and credibility of your work, and adhere to responsible data management practices.
  • Safety → You should prioritize safety in all aspects of your work, adhere to safety protocols, and maintain a sustainable and healthy work environment for yourself and your colleagues.
  • Work-Life Balance → We strive for a healthy work-life balance, managing your workload effectively and seeking support when needed to reduce stress.
  • Taking Responsibility → Every member of our team is expected to take responsibility for their work tasks. For PhD students and postdocs, this includes managing your own research projects and career development.
  • Time Management → Managing your time effectively to achieve project goals is essential. Meeting deadlines and seeking help from colleagues or resources when facing research challenges is encouraged.
  • Communication → If any challenge arises that may delay research goals or daily tasks, it's important to communicate promptly with your group leader or relevant team members to facilitate progress.
  • Active Participation → As an MIK member, you are expected to engage fully both intellectually and operationally within your research group, as well as in other relevant MIK activities.

What you can expect from MIK

We are committed to your success and well-being at MIK:

  • Mentorship → Our leadership team and group leaders provide you with mentorship and guidance tailored to your career development, with a particular focus on supporting early career staff members.
  • Feedback and Evaluation → You can expect to receive regular feedback to foster growth, acknowledge achievements, and identify areas for improvement. Moreover, you can expect formal performance evaluations on a yearly basis.
  • Basic Facilities → We provide essential facilities, including office spaces, necessary IT equipment, and safe lab spaces.
  • Integration → Your group leader will introduce you to your team and assign manageable tasks or provide necessary training.
  • Meeting Spaces → We offer meeting spaces for both work-related discussions and social gatherings, including institute meetings, research group meetings, and scientific seminars such as our Tuesday seminars.
  • Open Communication → If we fall short of your expectations, please don't hesitate to inform us. You can reach out to your group leader, MIK management, or the safety representative.
  • Respect for Diversity → We recognize that MIK staff come from diverse personal and academic backgrounds. It's essential to show respect for these differences, as they provide opportunities for learning, collaboration, and shared success.


Mentoring and career development

An action plan for mentoring and career development is described in this document.


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