Information for Group leaders

As a group leader (GL) at MIK, you have the overall responsibility for your research group. You have personnel responsibility, responsibility for the group's budget, and responsibility for the systematic work on health, safety and environment in your group.

Each group leader has the main responsibility for training new group members in procedures and using relevant lab equipment. For common instruments, please contact the MIK lab manager.

The leadership shall be in line with MIK's goals for a good workplace, and follow the personnel policy of UiO and the HR and personell policies of OUS as described in the eHåndbok for OUS.

The rules and guidelines for research at UiO and at OUS must be followed.

Rules and guidelines for research groups and responsibilities of group leaders are described in the eHåndbok for OUS.

Research group leaders and principal investigators (PI's) are expected to lead their groups according to the highest standards of professional behavior, adhere to ethical guidelines, and follow all organizational policies and codes of conduct.

Please also see the Action plan for career development and mentoring (PDF).


Overall responsibilities and expections of the GL's and PI's

The overall responsibilities and expections of the group leaders (GL's) and prinicipal investigators (PI's) are described in the document Responsibility/expectations to GL and PI (PDF):

  1. Ensure scientific progression
  2. Publish and disseminate own research (be visible)
  3. Supervise students and post docs according to ethical standards of supervision relationships.
  4. Ensure that people in the group and other lab members have sufficient training in procedures, techniques, daily tasks.
  5. Contribute to
    - Daily routines in the department
    - Flow of information (act/respond to the info given)
  6. Follow the plan/procedures at MIK research:
    - Read and be aware of Forskningsinstruksen
    - Contribute to Good Practice in Personnel management (offer annual appraisals, midterm evalua,ons, follow up on post doc development plans etc)
    - Contribute to Good Practice when new people arrive at MIK



Recruitment in state-owned enterprises like OUS and UiO entails highly regulated processes. MIK HR will support you in this. The main principle is that all vacancies must be advertised publicly, usually 5-6 months before the desired start date. For positions that require scientific assessment, be prepared that the process might take even longer time (5-12 months).You need to plan ahead, both by defining what kind of staff you need, and who needs to be involved in the recruitment process. Please see the section on recruitment and hiring in the OUS eHåndbok. Please read up on UiOs policy, routines and tools available, and contact MIKs Head of office or our HR advisor, before getting started. The Medical faculty also has a web page with routines and templates for planning announcement and interviews, in Norwegian only.


Reception of new employees and students

At least two weeks before a new employee or student will arrive, you need to contact the lab manager (Luisa) and the HR manager (Helene) by email with information about the new co-worker. Please include the full name, Norwegian ID number or a foreign passport number, private address, private mobile phone number and private email address. A picture for the access card should also be included. The lab manager will find a desk in an office and in the lab and reserve space in fridges and freezers. An access card and a user account will be prepared, and the person will be registered in the relevant databases. This will ensure a smooth start for the new employee or student.

On the first day at MIK, the PI/GL should make sure the new employee or student is introduced to the section. Visit the labs and offices with them. Everybody is assigned a lab "godparent" responsible for training, in agreement with their PI. The lab manager will provide the information leaflet “Welcome to MIK” and the form that has to be completed by all new employees or students. When this form is completed and signed, the person will be allowed to start working in the lab and will obtain an access card from Helene.



For an overview of your finances, please book a meeting with your apponted MIK financial adviser. To keep a day-to-day overview of your UiO accounts, please ask for access and traning in the UiO Tableau solution, where you will find standarized leadership reports.


Purchasing scientific equipment

All MIK staff need to adhere to procurement routines at OUS and UiO. Please contact MIKs main purchaser before you start looking for new equipment. She/he will advise you on how to purchase what you need according to regulation.



All group leaders must have minimum MODUL 5 and 6 "HSE work at UiO" UiO also offers a mandatory anti-harassment course for all new leaders, ad well as a course in reseach ethics. Please contact MIKs Head of Office to learn when the next courses are planned.


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