Working in the lab

The research section has 31 general lab spaces, 20 spaces in the E-lab and 11 in the F-lab. These are shared by the users, two and two and we practice what we call a “clean lab desk philosophy”. If your bench is occupied you are free to use any lab bench. This means that all benches should be clean and available when you are done.

In addition to the general laboratories we have small-scale laboratories, isotope laboratory, cell laboratories and the core facility of microscopy in addition to chemical room, cold room, dish laundry and specific instrument rooms. AND of course the lunch room ☺

The general laboratories have cabinets with the most frequently used supplies needed for your work, tips, tubes, pipettes etc. The weeks “busy boy” is responsible for weekly filling the cabinets. Common consumables are continuously ordered by the room responsible according to the common list. All other supplies you need to order yourself. There are limited place for storage, please be aware of how big quanta you order – don’t order more than you need.

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