Health, safety and environment (HSE)

General HSE

All staff at MIK have responsibility for systematic care for health, safety and the environment in the work place. This responsibility applies at all levels of our work. It is therefore important that all MIK staff have made themselves familiar with MIK's systematic HSE management. Check also out On the Safe side - UiOs newly developed platform for training and advice on what you should do in emergency situations.

HSE in general at OUS is described in the eHåndbok for OUS. HSE at MIK in particular is described in the eHåndbok for OUS, KLM, MIK.

All leaders (PI's and GL's) must at least have taken the UiO HSE courses MODUL 5 and 6 "HSE work at UiO".


HSE in the lab

There are particular HSE rules for lab work, including mandatory courses and procedures. Please see the HSE in the lab page.

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