
The Section for Research is part of the Department of Microbiology (MIK), which is a department in the Division for Laboratory Medicine (KLM) at Oslo University Hospital (OUS), which is part of the South-Eastern Norway Regional Health Authority (Helse Sør-Øst).

The Department of Microbiology (MIK) is also a department at the Institute for Clinical Medicine (KlinMed) at the Faculty of Medicine (MedFak) at the University of Oslo (UiO).

Since the department is part of both OUS and UiO, and include employees at both institutions, we have to follow the rules and guidelines that apply to both, as appropriate. This includes access to IT, scientific publishing, legal issues, access to areas, reporting, funding etc.

Oslo University Hospital (OUS) is owned by the South-Eastern Regional Health Authority (Helse Sør-Øst) and consists of Aker Hospital, Rikshospitalet, The Radium hospital and Ullevål Hospital. The hospital consists of 15 medical divisions in addition to the central unit Oslo Hospital Services, which provides non-medical services to the rest of the hospital. More information:

The MIK Section for Research is led by Hilde Loge Nilsen and consists of 11 research groups and 5 project groups that works closely related to each other to achieve our strategic goals.

Research homepage:

Several groups at MIK form part of the Centre for Embryology and Healthy Development (CRESCO).

An organization chart is shown below.



Ordinary mail:

OUS Rikshospitalet
Mikrobiologisk avd - SINTEF
Postboks 4950 Nydalen
0424 Oslo



OUS Mikrobiologisk avd, SINTEF
Forskningsveien 1
0373 Oslo



Forskningsveien 1
0373 Oslo


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