New research blog: Clinical Trials – more than new drugs

Clinical trials play an important part in the development of new drugs. These trials are usually performed on a selected patient population in order to focus on the drug’s effect on the target indication. Hospital researchers may, however, see the need for clinical trials on a more diverse population, e.g. patients with additional diagnoses, or within areas that are not relevant for, or prioritised by, the pharmaceutical industry. The purpose might be to reduce drug consumption, finding new indications for existing drugs or identifying the most cost-effective treatments. Consequently, hospital researchers, trial staff and the patients participating in clinical trials all contribute to improved patient treatment and ensuring that health resources are spent wisely.
In connection with the "Clinical Trials Day" 2019 Ellen Johnsen and Martha Colban, Research Support at Oslo University Hospital, have written a blog (in Norwegian) entitled " Clinical Trials – more than new drugs".
Research blog by Ellen Johnsen and Martha Colban:
Kliniske studier – mer enn nye legemidler
ACRP Clinical Trials Day - #CTD2019 - home page (Association of Clinical Research Professionals)
Clinical Trial Unit home page (in Norwegian)
CTU home page at
Department for Research Support (Administrativ forskerstøtte) (in Norwegian)