Current news and events

The HOLOX project funded with 16 mill NOK

Ole Jakob Elle (left) and Ola Wiig
Ole Jakob Elle (left) and Ola Wiig

The Intervention Centre and the Department of Orthopeadics recently received good news from the The Research Council of Norway; The HOLOX project was funded with 16 mill NOK. The project has a total budget of about 32 mill, where about 9 mill goes to OUS for supporting the project with research. HOLOX – Holographic, miXed reality “see-through-vision” for orthopaedic surgery, is an Innovation Project for the Industrial Sector (IPN) where the project owner (HoloCare AS) buy research support from an academic partner (OUH).

Anette Weyergang awarded the Researcher of the Year prize at ICR for 2024

Anette Weyergang
Anette Weyergang

Anette Weyergang – project group leader at Institute for Cancer Research (ICR), Oslo University Hospital - is on December 11th awarded the prize Researcher-of-the-Year from the leadership at ICR for her groundbreaking scientific contributions. The award of 100,000 NOK is financed by the Radium Hospital Foundation (Radiumhospitalets legater) and is a personal scholarship for stimulating further excellence in research. 

The leadership group highlights the important work Weyergang has done to characterize the role of Rab proteins in the intracellular transport of antibody-drug conjugates such as for example trastuzumab-derukstekan (Enhertu®). This work has been published in Nature Communication and led to the establishment of Rab Diagnostics AS. 

Raquel Bartolomé-Casado receives Norwegian Society for Immunology 2024 Research Award for work published in Nature

Raquel Bartolomé-Casado
Raquel Bartolomé-Casado

Dr. Casado is shared 1st author on the paper “Immune microniches shape intestinal Treg functions” published in Nature. This work was conducted during her postdoc stay in Professor Sarah Teichmann’s lab (Wellcome Sanger Institute, Cambridge, UK), in collaboration with Professor Fiona Powrie’s lab (University of Oxford, UK).
Dr. Casado has spent several years working in Norway with gut immunology in the Jahnsen lab at Dept. of Pathology, and was recently recruited to the Lothe lab at Institute for Cancer Research to pursue her academic career and combine research interests in gut immunology with translational research on colorectal cancer.

Norwegian Society for Immunology prize to Stian Foss

Stian Foss and Jan Terje Andersen
Stian Foss and Jan Terje Andersen

Researcher Stian Foss from Jan Terje Andersen's research group at the Department of Immunology got the Norwegian Society forImmunology prize for the best research article published in 2024.
Foss received the prize at the 42nd Annual Meeting and General Assembly of the Norwegian Society for Immunology, Nov 29.
The article was published in March 2024 in Nature Communications and describes new Fc technology that may be broadly applicable in antibody design of new therapeutics with enhanced half-life and mucosal distribution.

Announcement: Conference 11-12 FebruaryNorway Life Science 2025: From Health Data Access to Value and Groundbreaking Research

From the organizer UiO:Life Science:
Can artificial intelligence coupled with health data be the answer to tomorrow's challenges in healthcare, leading to new services and treatments, and make the Norwegian health industry internationally competitive and attractive for significant investments? We summarize the current status and discuss the way forward.
Attend presentations by international keynote speakers from world-leading industry, research, and innovation, panel debates, parallel sessions, and take advantage of the opportunity to expand your professional network. 

Prestigious ERC Consolidator Grant to Johannes Hov

Johannes E.R. Hov
Johannes E.R. Hov

Professor Johannes Espolin Roksund Hov has received over 23 million kroner over the next five years from the European Research Council to investigate the interaction between intestinal bacteria and the development of serious liver diseases, for the project "Fatty liver versus autoimmunity of the bile ducts - defining the gut signals driving steatosis and inflammatory disease of the gut-liver axis (FatVersusBile)". Hov is senior consultant at Department of Transplantation Medicine and heads the research group "Genomics and Metagenomics in Inflammatory Disorders" at the at the Norwegian PSC Research Center and Research Institute of Internal Medicine. 

Oslo University Hospital has awarded 6 excellent articles for the first half-year of 2024

Award winners during the ceremony
Award winners during the ceremony

In order to stimulate excellent research and draw attention to the hospital's research activity, Oslo University Hospital rewards outstanding publications every half-year.

Six research groups were awarded for their excellent papers published the first half-year of 2024 during a ceremony on November 28th. Each group received NOK 50.000 earmarked for further research, and the prize winners gave short presentations of their main findings.

Nature Communications publication:A new type of specialized epithelial subtype of cells may hold the key to overcoming resistance to prostate cancer treatments

Alfonso Urbanucci
Alfonso Urbanucci

A team of scientists has made a groundbreaking discovery that could explain why certain prostate cancer therapies are less effective than expected. With 5,000 Norwegian men diagnosed with the disease annually, resulting in roughly 1,000 deaths every year, a major clinical objective is to prevent the spread of cancer and recurrence. 

The study was published in Nature Communications November 16th. Alfonso Urbanucci from the Institute of Cancer Research is shared senior author.

EP PerMed grant awarded to European consortium led by Sigrid S. Skånland at Institute for Cancer Research

Sigrid S. Skånland
Sigrid S. Skånland

A European consortium coordinated by Sigrid S. Skånland, project group leader at the Department of Cancer Immunology, has been awarded an EP PerMed grant co-funded by the European Commission for their project “Chronic lymphocytic leukemia: Improving survival and quality of life (CLL-OUTCOME)”.

The vision of the European Partnership for Personalised Medicine is to “improve health outcomes within sustainable healthcare systems through research, development, innovation and implementation of personalised medicine approaches for the benefit of patients, citizens, and society”.

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