Offers for OUH researchers involved in developing vaccines: Open Calls for TRANSVAC2 Trainings and Vaccine Development Services
TRANSVAC - a collaborative infrastructure project funded by the European Commission (EC), currently under Horizon 2020 - is designed to accelerate vaccine development by enhancing European vaccine research and training.
As a partner in the TRANSVAC project, EATRIS - European Infrastructure for Translational Medicine - would like to bring attention to the following upcoming initiatives:
Vaccine Training Courses:
TRANSVAC2 offers free training courses to provide fundamental and advanced knowledge on a wide range of vaccine development-related topics. On this call TRANSVAC2 offers free three advanced courses:
- M3: Adjuvants and Vaccine Formulations - offered by Vaccine Formulation Institute (VFI)
March 21st-24th in Geneva, Switzerland - M5: Statistics of vaccine evaluation - offered by Biomedical Primate Research Centre (BPRC)
March 28th-April 1st in Rijswijk, Netherlands - M14: Regulatory aspects of vaccine development, - offered by European Infrastructure for
Translational Medicine (EATRIS) March 21st-22nd in Amsterdam, Netherlands
Submit your training application at by December 15th, 2021.
Vaccine Development Services:
Developing a vaccine is a time-consuming and complex process, requiring a combination of specialized skills and technical capacities not readily available at a single organization. To enable access to these skills and capacities, TRANSVAC2 offers high-quality technical services to support the development of prophylactic and therapeutic vaccines for both human and animal use. These services are not restricted to any disease area. Services will be offered free of charge, with few exceptions.Academic and non-academic research groups, SMEs and industries can apply!
Are you a researcher? Do you have good preliminary results, but need support to further develop your vaccine candidate? TRANSVAC2 R&D services might be a perfect match for you!
The transnational access (TNA) call runs until January 15th, 2022. For further information on services available and how to apply please visit
TRANSVAC is a collaborative infrastructure project funded by the European Commission (EC), initially under the 7th Framework Programme (FP7) and currently under Horizon 2020. The project is a joint effort of leading European groups working in the field of vaccine development, and is coordinated by the European Vaccine Initiative (EVI). TRANSVAC is designed to accelerate vaccine development by enhancing European vaccine research and training, and increase sustainability of EC vaccine projects by implementing a permanent research infrastructure for early vaccine development.
EATRIS is a European Research Infrastructure Consortium (ERIC) founded to defragment the European substantial efforts in translational research. Its mission is to improve productivity of the translational R&D pipeline by providing high quality research services to public and private research entities. Comprising over 110 leading research institutions located in twelve countries across Europe, EATRIS has been a key player in the biomedical innovation continuum.EATRIS involvement in TRANSVAC2 will include primarily the development of a regulatory platform for preclinical, marketing authorisation and pharmacovigilance for clinical trials. In addition, EATRIS will seek to identify inconsistencies in the national regulatory frameworks while offering consultation on preclinical vaccine development (WP16). Additionally, EATRIS will be leading a task to secure the long-term sustainability of the vaccine infrastructure and will be actively involved in the drafting of a business plan in order to mobilise the necessary support for the further implementation and ultimately the long-term operation of the infrastructure.