Olweus interviewed by Apollon about OUTSOURCE immunotherapy project

Professor Johanna Olweus from the Department of Cancer Immunology was in 2019 awarded the ERC Consolidator Grant of 20 mill NOK for the immunotherapy project "OUTSOURCE: Outsourcing cancer immunity to healthy donors".
The OUTSOURCE project has just started, and on that occacsion Olweus has recently been interviewed by the UiO magazine Apollon on how her group of 15 over the next five years will take their research a long step further towards the clinic, how immune cells from healthy individuals can be the new immune cure for cancer, and how this treatment can kill cancer cells without destroying neighbouring cells.
The Apollon interview (in Norwegian):
Får immunceller fra friske til å drepe kreftceller hos syke (Nov. 10th 2020)
ERC Consolidator Grant of 20 million NOK awarded to Johanna Olweus
Home page of the Experimental Immunotherapy Group, headed by Johanna Olweus