Nature Communications publication: Claudin-low – truly an intrinsic breast cancer subtype?
In a study published in Nature Communications April 14th, Fougner and colleagues from Therese Sørlie’s group critically investigate the claudin-low breast cancer subtype.
The intrinsic subtypes of breast cancer were established two decades ago by gene expression profiling and have since been validated countless times. Through an integrated analysis of human and murine mammary tumors, claudin-low was in 2007 proposed as an additional intrinsic subtype. Over the years, claudin-low has been described as a poor-prognosis subtype with stem cell and EMT-like features, and analogous tumor groups have been discovered in bladder and gastric cancer.
Here, Fougner, Bergholtz, Norum and Sørlie scrutinize genomic, transcriptomic and clinical features in claudin-low breast tumors. They show that claudin-low should not be considered an intrinsic breast cancer subtype, as previously thought, but rather a complex phenotype that may permeates all intrinsic subtypes. Findings from the study have implications for the stratification of breast tumors, and improve the understanding of tumor characteristics of potential clinical relevance.
The publication is accompanied by an "Behind the paper" blog in Nature Comms.

The Nature Communications article:
Re-definition of claudin-low as a breast cancer phenotype
Christian Fougner, Helga Bergholtz, Jens Henrik Norum & Therese Sørlie
Nature Communications volume 11, Article number: 1787 (2020)
Published: 14 April 2020
The "Behind the paper" blog in Nature Comms, by Therese Sørlie:
Claudin-low – truly an intrinsic breast cancer subtype?
Home page of Therese Sørlie's research group:
Breast tumor initiation and progression
Previous news articles about Therese Sørlie:
New immune-related breast cancer subtypes described in Nature Communications (04.12.2019)
Recently approved breast cancer test based on Norwegian research (29.10.2019)
Therese Sørlie appointed "Scientist of the Month" by "Helse Sør-Øst" (29.01.2018)
Ceremony Friday November 18th - Ragnar Mørk legacy prize 2016 to Therese Sørlie (10.11.2017)