Theodossis A. Theodossiou researcher of the year at the Institute for Cancer Research

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Theodossis A. Theodossiou – senior researcher and project group leader at Institute for Cancer Research - was awarded the prize researcher-of-the-year 2019 from the leadership at ICR for his oustanding scientific contribution in 2019. The award of 100 000 NOK is financed by Radiumhospitalets legater and is a personal scholarship for stimulating further excellence in research.
The committee describes Theodeossis as not only hard-working, but also a creative scientist that dreams up new and innovative treatment strategies for cancer patients. This is reflected in the fact that he is the project coordinator for a Future Emerging Technologies - FET-Open grant from EU of 40 MNOK called FRINGE.
Another Helse Sør Øst funded project "PROTONICS" allowed Thedossiou and team to pursue the the idea of using PDT to treat glioblastoma with non-invasive photosensitizer and proton radiation (going much deeper than light). The first article from this project was published in Nature Communications this year reflecting the excellence in science coming from Theodossiou’s work.
Theodossiou and Berg also won the Radar Innovation Prize from EU for inception of the idea of the ongoing LUMIBLAST project that uses chemiuminescence.
The Researcher-of-the-year award was handed over at the annual Christmas institute seminar by Head of the Institute for Cancer Research Kjetil Taskèn in front of a full auditorium

Home page of Theodossis Theodossiou's "Protonics" project group
Theodossis A. Theodossiou's publications
Department of Radiation Biology
Previous news articles about Theodossis A. Theodossiou:
About Nature Communications article:
Could Light-Activated Drugs Turn Proton Therapy into a More Radical Treatment for Cancer?
Protonics team leader presenting their research on The Scientist's Channel
Theodossiou and Berg presented in national media after receiving prestigious EU grant
Theodossiou and Berg funded by the Future and Emerging Technology (FET) program
PCI research funded by Euronanomed II ERA-NET program
Findings regarding a novel non-genomic tamoxifen cytotoxic action published in ACS Chemical Biology