Tor Erik Rusten's research presented: Autophagy - Hope or Threat to Cancer Patients?

Tor Erik Rusten (photo: Berit Langaard, OUS)
Tor Erik Rusten (photo: Berit Langaard, OUS)

Tor Erik Rusten is heading the Tumor-Host Biology research group at the Department of Molecular Cell Biology at the Institute for Cancer Research. His research on autophagy has recently (May 23rd) been presented in a feature article in popular science form, published on the Oslo University Hospital home page (in Norwegian), entitled "Autophagy - Hope or Threat to Cancer Patients?".


Autofagi – håp eller trussel for kreftpasienter? (Autophagy - Hope or Threat to Cancer Patients?), by Berit Lagaard, Oslo Universitetssykehus HF

Home page of Tor Erik Rusten's Tumor-Host Biology research group

Department of Molecular Cell Biology

Insitute for Cancer Research

Previous news articles about Tor Erik Rusten:

Prestigious grant to Tor Erik Rusten 

Rusten group research project on cell organisation and tumor growth highlighted by the Norwegian Cancer Society

Nature Cell Biology paper attracts interest:
- Rusten group uncovers new regulatory mechanism of the Peutz-Jeghers cancer syndrome kinase, LKB1

Award ceremony May 25th - Oslo University Hospital awards 6 excellent articles for the second half-year of 2017

Honoured with "Preview" article in Developmental Cell
- Findings from Rusten group published in Nature on microenvironmental autophagy draw nationwide attention

Fruitfly Ret receptor tyrosine kinase governs cell growth and proliferation and protects against starvation-induced catabolism in epithelial cells

Tor Erik Rusten receives Dr. Mørk's prize for excellent cancer research

Autophagy article from Tor Erik Rusten and co-workers highlighted in Cell

Autophagy in the limelight

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