Therese Seierstad "Researcher of the Month" for June 2018

Therese Seierstad
Therese Seierstad

Therese Seierstad from Mona-Elisabeth Revheim's "Functional and Molecular Imaging" research group at the Division of Radiology and Nuclear Medicine was appointed "Researcher of the Month" for June 2018 by the South-Eastern Norway Regional Health Authority (Helse Sør-Øst RHF). Her research is mostly focused on prostate cancer and breast cancer. As head of research at the division she is also involved in research projects not directly related to cancer treatment.
Seierstad's work is presented in a feature article published on the home page of Helse Sør-Øst.


From the home page of Helse Sør-Øst (article in Norwegian)

Bedre billedbruk gir bedre behandling. By Knut Albert Solem, OUS

Researcher of the month archive

Therese Seierstad's publications

Mona-Elisabeth Revheim's research group:
Functional and Molecular Imaging

Research groups at the Division of Radiology and Nuclear Medicine