Jon Amund Kyte "Researcher of the Month"

Jon Amund Kyte, leader of the "Translational cancer immunotherapy" project group at the Department of Cancer Immunology at the Institute for Cancer Research, was appointed "Researcher of the Month" for February 2018 by the South-Eastern Norway Regional Health Authority (Helse Sør-Øst RHF).
The group aims to develop improved cancer treatment based on two particularly promising strategies for immunotherapy. This research is presented in a feature article published on the home page of Helse Sør-Øst.
The Researcher of the Month article (in Norwegian), written by Elin B. Øvrebø:
Kan immunterapi bli redningen for pasienter med uhelbredelig kreft?
Home page of Jon Amund Kyte's project group:
Translational cancer immunotherapy group