Per O. Seglen awarded King Olav V's cancer research prize for 2017

King Olav V's cancer research prize for 2017 was on June 6th given to professor Per O. Seglen, formerly head of the Proteomics & Mammalian Cell Biology Section at the Institute for Cancer Research, OUH, currently a guest researcher at NCMM.
The prestigious prize is distributed annually by the Norwegian Cancer Society, and the winner receives NOK 1.000.000.
Articles from the home page of the Norwegian Cancer Society (in Norwegian):
From the ceremony Kong Olav Vs kreftforskningspris 2017
About Seglen's career as a scientist: Kreftforskningsprisen 2017
From the ingress: "En septemberkveld i 1961. Per Ottar Seglen er 18 år og gjennomfører sin første av en lang rekke bragder innen biologien: I kategorien Sommerfugler svarer han rett på 10 000 kroners spørsmålet i tidenes første Kvitt eller Dobbelt. 56 år senere tildeles han Kong Olav Vs kreftforskningspris."
News article about Seglen's research from when the 2017 award was announced:
Prestigious research prize from the Norwegian Cancer Society to pioneer in autophagy research