Results of Open Call 2016: Oslo University Hospital researchers receive 77.3 mill NOK from the Norwegian Cancer Society

The Norwegian Cancer Society has recently distributed in total 179 million NOK to Norwegian cancer researchers. The 34 projects that will receive funding are distributed among seven research institutions in Tromsø, Trondheim, Bergen and Oslo. Twelve research groups are affiliated to Oslo University Hospital. OUH project leaders being supported are Svein Dueland, Jon Amund Kyte, Heidi Lyng, Eirik Malinen, Johanna Olweus, Mouldy Sioud, Erlend Bremertun Smeland, Harald Stenmark, Bjørn Atle Bjørnbeth, Magnar Bjørås, Alexandre Corthay and Jorrit Enserink, and these will altogether receive 77.3 million NOK.
Article from the home page of the Norwegian Cancer Society (in Norwegian):
Forskningstildelingen 2016: 179 millioner i kreftforskningsløft
List over research funding from the Norwegian Cancer Society, Open Call 2016