HÃ¥vard Danielsen and Erik Fosse receive Lighthouse project grants from the Norwegian Research Council

Oslo University Hospital heads projects DoMore! led by Håvard Danielsen from the Institute for Cancer Genetics and Informatics and BIGMED led by Erik Fosse from the Intervention Centre project receive Lighthouse project grant from the Norwegian Research Council's IKTPLUSS area of commitment. The funding for each project is 60 million NOK over a five-year period.
There were 76 research teams competing for the prestigious grant and only three winners- The third project is INTROMAT, led by Tine Nordgreen from UiB.
The DoMore! team is composed of experts within several fields, including digital imaging, processing, robotics, pathology, cell biology, surgery and oncology, both in Norway and abroad.
The vision behind the BIG data MEDical solution (BIGMED) is to lay the foundation for an ICT platform that addresses the analytic bottlenecks for the implementation of precision medicine, and paves the way for novel big data analytics.
News articles in Norwegian:
From the Norwegian Research Council (Forskningsrådet) home page:
Har utropt tre IKT-fyrtårn innen helse
From Teknisk ukeblad:
5 patologer kan gi 5 ulike svar når de ser en svulst. Det skal norsk forskning gjøre noe med
From Oslo University Hospital home page:
OUS store vinnere av IKT-fyrtårn innen helse
In English:
From the Intervention Centre home page:
BigMed lighthouse project receives 60 mill NOK in funding from Research Council of Norway
From the CCB - Centre for Cancer Biomedicine, UiO home page:
Håvard Danielsen's project DoMore! receives Lighthouse project grant from the Norwegian Research Council
Danielsen group - Genomic Instability (at CCB - Centre for Cancer Biomedicine)
Institute for Cancer Genetics and Informatics, Oslo University Hospital
The Intervention Centre home page
Intervention Centre, research group overview and publications, Oslo University Hospital