Norsk Hydro's Fond guest lecture March 10th Stephen H. Friend

Stephen H. Friend, president, co-founder and director of Sage Bionetworks, USA, will be giving two exciting lectures in Oslo on Thursday March 10th, both are open for all.
The first will be held at an event hosted by Norsk Hydro's Fond, March 10th, 14:00-15:00 in the Kaare Norum Auditorium, Oslo Cancer Cluster Innovation Park, Entrance 2B, Montebello, Ullervnchausseen 64/66.
Title: Exploring new ways to gain insights into cancer.
The second lecture will be given at an event hosted by the Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters March 10th at 18:00 at Det Norske Videnskaps-Akademi, Drammensveien 78.
Title: The digital patient: Exiting the Age of Priestly Medical Advice
1. Exploring new ways to gain insights into cancer.
Time and place: March 10th, 14:00-15:00 in the Kaare Norum Auditorium, Oslo Cancer Cluster Innovation Park, Entrance 2B, Montebello, Ullervnchausseen 64/66.
From omics and imaging data to new digital health information, we have entered the era of multidimensional clinical problems in Oncology. These are no longer are solvable by small exclusive teams. This talk will explore new ways to work together, share data and insights. It will hightlight specific examples in breast cancer, colon cancer, brain tumors and AML.
Download invitation i PDF format
2. The digital patient: Exiting the Age of Priestly Medical Advice
Time and place:March 10th at 18:00 at Det Norske Videnskaps-Akademi, Drammensveien 78.
There is currently an asymmetry between physician and patient, but the patient is both willing and able to contribute significantly to diagnosis and treatment. Continuous feedback from individual patients will change how we assess disease. This has been exemplified by patient- operated “apps” which allows patients to act as experimentors. The potential is great for diseases such as diabetes, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, cancer, rare diseases and syndromes, and even sleep disorders. The public should act as funders, researchers and patients. Friend will be talking about his recent work on wearable devices and how this move might bring diagnostics and clinical medicine from the dark ages into enlightment.
Stephen Friend is the founder and President of Sage Bionetworks (2009). He has dedicated his career to untangling the complex ways that our genes, our environments, and our choices combine to form our health. Gaining his MD PhD, he did his clinical training at Harvard while leading a team to clone the first tumor suppressor gene working at the Whitehead (MIT). He has pursued his passion from academic research while on the faculty at Harvard through entrepreneurial success (Rosetta Inpharmatics) and through being a SVP for Oncology at Merck & Co., Inc. At Sage Bionetworks, he has built an organization that connects a new way of doing scientific data analysis online to new methods for engaging citizens directly into previously closed research processes. Under his leadership, Sage Bionetworks develops technology platforms for data-intensive analysis, governance platforms for data sharing and re-use, runs challenges to solve complex biomedical problems, and performs cutting edge computational biology and research. Most recently has co-led “The Resilience Project” with Eric Schadt and Jason Bobe that looks for protective genes in apparently healthy individuals, and turned to projects in mHealth where he coordinates Sage’s efforts on several of Apple’s Open Source ResearchKit apps including the building of these apps and the building out of the back-end so that qualified researchers worldwide can share their data on “Synapse” which is an Open Biomedical Research Platform.
Information from The Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters home page
About the lecture, in Norwegian