Camilla Raiborg's work presented in popularised form on Filming live cancer cells

Camilla Raiborg (photo: Nina Marie Pedersen)
Camilla Raiborg (photo: Nina Marie Pedersen)

The ongoing scientific activities of Camilla Raiborg from Harald Stenmark's group at the Department of Molecular Cell Biology have recently been presented on the major Norwegian popular science web site, as well as on the home page of the Norwegian Cancer Society. Raiborg is heading the project group "Protein dynamics in tumor suppressor pathways".


Undersøker hvordan kreftcellene sprer seg ("Investigates how cancer cells spread")

From the home page of the Norwegian Cancer Society:
Filmer levende kreftceller ("Filming live cancer cells")

Camilla Raiborg's project group: Protein dynamics in tumor suppressor pathways

Harald Stenmark's group: Cellular membrane dynamics

Department of Molecular Cell Biology

Institute for Cancer Research

Previous news articles where Camilla Raiborg is involved:

Oslo University Hospital has awarded 6 excellent articles for the first half-year of 2015

Nature article from Camilla Raiborg: Formation of cellular protrusions

Oslo University Hospital has award 6 excellent articles for the first half-year of 2014

42 scientists from Oslo University Hospital granted 69.2 mill NOK from the Norwegian Cancer Society

Dr. Ragnar Mørk legacy prize 2011 to Camilla Raiborg

Abrahamsen and Stenmark write about growth signalling in Science



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