Møbius 2015: Prestigious award from the Research Council of Norway to Harald A. Stenmark

Harald A. Stenmark, leader of the "Cellular membrane dynamics group" at the Department of Molecular Cell Biology, OUS, and from Centre for Cancer Biomedicine at UIO has won this year's "Møbius award" - the annual prize for excellent research from the Research Council of Norway. The award amounts to 1 mill. NOK and is distributed Wednesday September 23rd in Oslo Konserthus.
(news article now updated with more links)
To new articles (in Norwegian):
From the Norwegian Research Council:
Forskningsrådets priser til Harald Stenmark, Borregaard og Anine Kierulf
From Dagbladet:
Norske forskere har avslørt nervetrådenes hemmelighet og celledelingens mysterium
Forskningsrådets pris for fremragende forskning til kreftprofessor Harald Stenmark.
From Dagens Medisin:
Ny prestisjepris til kreftforsker
From Uniforum:
Kreftforsker får pris for fremragende forskning
Home page of Harald A. Stenmark's group - Cellular membrane dynamics