Kari Kværner blogs about research based innovation

Kari Kværner, head of the Innovation section at Oslo University Hospital and leader of the "Centre for Connected Care – Accelerating adoption and diffusion of patient-centric innovations" - one 17 new Centres for Research-based Innovation (SFI) appointed by the Research Council of Norway - has recently written an article for the the Oslo University Hospital research blog (in Norwegian). The title of her piece is (translated to) "We must listen end learn in order to deliver what the patients need".
The SFI centre she will be leading starts up August 15th, and has a total budget of 217,6 mill NOK, securing operation for 8 years.
OUS research blog, March 2nd 2015 (in Norwegian):
- Vi må lytte og lære for å levere det pasienten trenger (by Kari Kværner, OUS)
News article (in Norwegian) from the Oslo University Hospital home page:
Nytt innovasjonssenter til OUS ("New innovation centre to OUH")
From the home page of the Research Council of Norway:
17 new Centres for Research-based Innovation (SFI) announced
The new Centres for Research-based Innovation (SFI-III) (PDF format)
Research blog home page (in Norwegian) - Forskningssykehuset ("The research hospital")