Jens Petter Berg blogs about the values of basic research

Jens Petter Berg, head of research at the Division of Diagnostics and Intervention, has recently contributed to the Oslo University Hospital research blog (in Norwegian). He emphasizes the values of basic research and discusses how basic and applied science are mutually dependent of each other and that collaboration should be encouraged. As examples he goes through translational research, presicion medicine as well as the development of diagnostic test methods.
OUS research blog, February 3rd 2015 (in Norwegian):
- Anvendt forskning eller grunnforskning på sykehuset? (by Ram Gupta, OUS)
Home page of Jens Petter Berg's research group "Biochemical endocrinology and metabolism research group"
Jens Peter Berg's publications
Research blog home page (in Norwegian) - Forskningssykehuset ("The research hospital")