OUS research blog: Åsmund Husabø Eikenes blogs about understanding cell division through the study of fly spermatogenesis

Åsmund Husabø Eikenes, Phd student from Harald Stenmark's group at Department of Biochemistry at the Institute for Cancer research, has been invited to contribute to the new popular scientific Oslo University Hospital research blog. In is recent blog article he writes about how his PhD work on spermatogenesis in Drosophilia melanogaster have led to the discovery of novel control mechanisms that are crucial for precision during cell division.
Eikenes has previously been awarded the "Hjernekraftprisen 2013", an award distributed by the The Norwegian Association of Researchers.
OUS research blog, November 18th (in Norwegian): - Snart er eg fluedoktor
Åsmund H. Eikenes's publications
News article about Eikenes being awarded the "Hjernekraftprisen 2013"
Home page of Harald Stenmark's group - Intracellular communication