OUH-paper featured on the 2012 AACR most-cited list

A research paper published in 2012 in Cancer Research by Kyrre E. Emblem (Intervention Centre, OUH) as the corresponding author is highlighted by the American Association of Cancer Research (AACR) as one of the most highly-cited AACR articles from date of publication until February 2014.
In this study, Emblem and colleagues at Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, USA used magnetic resonance imaging to assess tumor blood perfusion in brain tumor patients who were undergoing anti-angiogenic treatment and found that patients who responded to therapy by improved microvascular perfusion and hemodynamic function had prolonged survival. This method may help with early identification of patients who respond to therapy and to understand the underlying mechanisms of action of anti-angiogenic therapies.
The research paper is featured in the - Best Of Digital Edition - a new digital flipbook to promote and celebrate the most-cited articles of the AACR journals:
The highlighted article:
Increased survival of glioblastoma patients who respond to antiangiogenic therapy with elevated blood perfusion.
Sorensen AG, Emblem KE, Polaskova P, Jennings D, Kim H, Ancukiewicz M, Wang M, Wen PY, Ivy P, Batchelor TT, Jain RK.
Cancer Res. 2012 Jan 15;72(2):402-7.
News article in Norwegian from Oslo University Hospital home page
Previous news articles involving Kyrre Emblem:
Researchers from the Interventional Centre introduce new paradigm in Nature Medicine article