Glioma treatment research project headed by Einar Vik-Mo and Iver Langmoen attracts attention

A project initiated by post doc Einar Vik-Mo and professor Iver Langmoen from the Department of Neurosurgery at OUS has drawn interest from Norwegian media. The major newspaper Aftenposten has recently presented his project in a feature article entitled "Norwegian physicians tailor make chemotherapy to each tumor".
Prospective isolation of tumour initiating cells is possible using tumour specific antigens. Vik-Mo, Langmoen and collaborators s are currently working on the isolation and characterization of such tumour initiating cells using primary cell cultures, both as floating neurosphere assays and adherent cultures, and combining this with FACS and MACS to prospectively isolate the putative tumour initiating cells.
Feature article in Aftenposten (in Norwegian):
Norske leger vil skreddersy cellegift til hver enkelt svulst
Einar Osland Vik-Mo's research and publications
Iver Arne Langmoen's publications
The Vilhelm Magnus Lab for Neurosurgical Research