The HOLOX project funded with 16 mill NOK

The Intervention Centre and the Department of Orthopeadics recently received good news from the The Research Council of Norway; The HOLOX project was funded with 16 mill NOK. The project has a total budget of about 32 mill, where about 9 mill goes to OUS for supporting the project with research. HOLOX – Holographic, miXed reality “see-through-vision” for orthopaedic surgery, is an Innovation Project for the Industrial Sector (IPN) where the project owner (HoloCare AS) buy research support from an academic partner (OUH).
The HOLOX project will further build on the already well established public-private research collaboration between OUS and HoloCare AS, by developing the existing orthopeadic examination- and planning platform towards a navigation tool to be brought into the OR and supporting the actual surgery – giving surgeons highly accurate “see-through-vision” of patient tissue by using mixed-reality head-mounted displays (MHMDs) accurately super-imposing holographic 3D tissue models of bones, nerves, vessels and muscles directly onto the patients’ anatomy.
The Intervention Centre will be responsible for the technological research and will by this funding be financing two researchers
1) on AI-supported real-time segmentation of soft-tissue structures such as vessels, nerves, muscles; and
2) on continuous alignment of the updated segmented “virtual” anatomy to be overlaid to the patient “real” anatomy (AR- Augmented Reality).
The project will also support clinical and technical support from Department of Orthopaedics (Ola Wiig) and The Intervention Centre (Ole Jakob Elle and Rahul Kumar).
Home page of Ole Jacob Elle's research group:
Medical Robotics, visualisation and navigation