Call for applications - deadline September 4th Regional research funding for 2025 from Helse Sør-Øst

Helse Sør-Øst RHF announces NOK 130 million for health research in the region. In addition, up to NOK 10 million will be allocated targeted funding within prioritised thematic areas, and up to NOK 5 million will be allocated strategic research funding to non-university hospitals.

The application deadline is Wednesday 4th September 2024 at 16:00

For 2025, research funding is available within the following application categories: 

  • Doctoral grants 
  • Postdoctoral grants 
  • Open project support 

The Principal Investigator (PI) should register as the applicant. The PI must have a PhD and be employed in at least a 20 % position at the applicant institution from the application deadline and throughout the project period. In addition, the PI's main position must be in the health region Helse Sør-Øst. 

The application must be submitted electronically via the online solution eSøknad. In the application form, there is a list used for classification of the application to one of the following groups:   

  • Clinical research in mental health and substance abuse/addiction  
  • Research in health services, health economics, public health, epidemiology, etc.  
  • Clinical somatic research  
    • Clinical somatic research, including therapy research  
    • Health and biomedical informatics  
  • Biomedical research with a translational perspective  
    • Experimental medical research  
    • Translational research and precision medicine  

Read the complete announcement from Helse Sør-Øst, including application form

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