Department of Molecular Oncology

Department head: Professor Ragnhild A. Lothe
Deputy department head: Professor Rolf I. Skotheim
Laboratory manager: Ina Andrassy Eilertsen
Administrative consultant: Linda Uv Mjøen

As a research department within the OUH Comprehensive Cancer Centre, it is our responsibility and goal to accomplish high quality and interdisciplinary biomedical research for improved precision medicine and management of cancer patients.

Research groups


Ragnhild A. Lothe

Genome Biology

Rolf I. Skotheim


Guro E. Lind

Project groups

Computational Oncology

Anita Sveen

Cell Signalling

Edward Leithe

Functional Precision Oncology

Kushtrim Kryeziu

Cancer Informatics

Bjarne Johannessen


Our main research programs are devoted to colorectal cancer and prostate cancer, and we have a longstanding project portfolio also on other solid tumor types. Our expertise in biomedical research spans several disciplines, and we have a broad range of advanced technologies established in-lab.

The group leaders are adjunct professors at the University of Oslo and are affiliated with the Institute for Clinical Medicine, the Institute for Biosciences and the Institute for Informatics. We aim to complete at least 3 academic degrees annually, and since the inauguration of the Department in 2006, 48 MSc and 41 PhD degrees have successfully been defended.

Summary annual highlights – 2024: Young talents

Latest News

Bjarne Johannessen to lead a project team under SPARK Norway

In January, the UiO:Life Science board decided to include five new teams into the SPARK Norway innovation program. This program is designed to facilitate the transformation of research ideas into tangible solutions in the health-related life sciences sector. Since its inception in 2017, it has successfully fostered the creation of several businesses and companies, all grounded in fundamental and translational life science research. Notably, the ProClass project, a key component of the prostate cancer research portfolio within the Department of Molecular Oncology, is among the projects selected to join the SPARK innovation program for 2025.

Kushtrim Kryeziu profiled in local newspaper

Kushtrim Kryeziu recently turned 40 years. He came to Oslo from Vienna as a EU- post doc in 2016. He joined the Lothe lab and started his work on tumor organoids  from colorectal cancer liver metastases. Today he is responsible for the preclinical functional oncology team and he has built a major “living biobank” of > 300 patient derived metastases organoids. He was last year supported by the Norwegian Cancer Society with an open call grant to pursue his research and the project was profiled this month in Amta (in Norwegian), his local newspaper after settling down in Nesodden.

Dr. Luís Nunes wins “Basic Research Prize” for best oral presentation at SPGH Annual Meeting

Dr. Nunes was awarded the “Basic Research Prize” for his great oral presentation at the 28th Annual Meeting of the Portuguese Society of Human Genetics (SPGH), held in Porto from December 5th to 7th, 2024. His presentation focused on research conducted in the Lothe’s Lab, exploring prognostic subtypes of co-occurring mutations in colorectal cancer. The presentation was selected as one of four prize-winning oral communications among the works submitted to the meeting.

Raquel Bartolomé-Casado receives Norwegian Society for Immunology 2024 Research Award for work published in Nature

Raquel Bartolomé-Casado
Raquel Bartolomé-Casado

Dr. Casado is shared 1st author on the paper “Immune microniches shape intestinal Treg functions” published in Nature. This work was conducted during her postdoc stay in Professor Sarah Teichmann’s lab (Wellcome Sanger Institute, Cambridge, UK), in collaboration with Professor Fiona Powrie’s lab (University of Oxford, UK).
Dr. Casado has spent several years working in Norway with gut immunology in the Jahnsen lab at Dept. of Pathology, and was recently recruited to the Lothe lab at Institute for Cancer Research to pursue her academic career and combine research interests in gut immunology with translational research on colorectal cancer.

Long term collaboration celebrated: Joint meeting in precision medicine between Oslo and Porto scientists

Jan Vincents Johannessen and Manuel Sobrinho-Simoes, with Fatima Carneiro
Jan Vincents Johannessen and Manuel Sobrinho-Simoes, with Fatima Carneiro

At a two days meeting in Porto about “Precision cancer medicine and emerging opportunities” the former director of the Norwegian Radium hospital, Jan Vincents Johannessen, received the distinction Ordem de Sant´lago da Espada from the President of Portugal. The meeting celebrated the long term collaboration in diagnostics and research, which was initiated by the young pathologists J.V. Johannessen and Manuel Sobrinho-Simoes.
The scientific program was organized by Professors Ragnhild A Lothe, Leonor David and Manuel R Teixeira from these institutions, respectively.

Kushtrim Kryeziu invited speaker at Precision Medicine meeting in Copenhagen

From left: Panel discussion with Philipp Staber (EXALT-1 and -2 trials), Keith Flaherty (NCI-MATCH trials), and Kushtrim Kryeziu (EVIDENT trial).
From left: Panel discussion with Philipp Staber (EXALT-1 and -2 trials), Keith Flaherty (NCI-MATCH trials), and Kushtrim Kryeziu (EVIDENT trial).

The European Haematology Association and the Society for Functional Precision Medicine held their first joint meeting on Precision Medicine in Copenhagen September 25th – 27th. Kushtrim Kryeziu was invited speaker to session 1 on precision medicine trials where he presented his work on patient-derived organoids from liver metastases, discussing tumor heterogeneity and the design of the EVIDENT trial.

In this session, the NCI-MATCH and EXALT trials were also presented. The presenters of the three trials were then invited to participate in a panel debate, and Kryeziu presented pros and cons of the EVIDENT trial.

Ragnhild A. Lothe honoured by the Porto City Council

With the nominators: Professors Manuel Sobrinho-Simoes, Manuel R. Teixeira, and Leonor David after the ceremony
With the nominators: Professors Manuel Sobrinho-Simoes, Manuel R. Teixeira, and Leonor David after the ceremony

The Porto Municipal Medals ceremony for 2024 was held on July 9th, recognising several individuals and institutions for their distinguished merits and civic achievements. Among the recipients of the Medal of Merit - Gold grade, was Professor Ragnhild A. Lothe from the Norwegian Radiumhospital - Institute for Cancer Research. Professor Lothe has played pivotal role in over 30 years of collaboration with scientists and clinicians at medical institutions in Porto, including IPATIMUP, the Portuguese Oncology Institute, and the University of Porto. This collaboration has resulted in numerous joint scientific papers, PhD degrees, innovation projects, and exchanges of scientific and technological expertise.

The Mayor, Rui Moreira, and the President of the Minicipal Assembly, Sebestião de Azevedo, presented the medal in the presence of the municipal executive council.

Three Master's students defended their theses in May/June

Arina Surko, Ida Sophie Gjøstøl Strømsvåg and Joachim Jordal Moe
Arina Surko, Ida Sophie Gjøstøl Strømsvåg and Joachim Jordal Moe

Congratulations to Arina Surko, Ida Sophie Gjøstøl Strømsvåg and Joachim Jordal Moe, on successfully defending their Master's theses. Their projects were carried out at the Department of Molecular Oncology, and they attended the Master's programs at the Department of Biosciences or the Department of Informatics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, University of Oslo.