Trial lecture, disputation and guest lectures, 19-21.05.2008 Stine Henrichson Kresse

Siv. ing. Stine Henrichson Kresse defended her PhD thesis, entitled "Chromosomal aberrations in human sarcomas identified using genomic microarrays" on Tuesday May 20th. Her trial lecture - on the topic ÂMicroarrays: identification of gene signatures and their application in clinical practice. An update" was held the day before.
In connection with the disputation, the opponents give guest lectures. On Monday May 19th professor Matt van de Rijn talked about "Using sarcomas as discovery tools for tumor stroma". On Wednesday May 21st professor Irene Andrulis gave a lecture entitled "Identification and clinical importance of molecular alterations in axillary node-negative breast cancer".
Information about the guest lectures held in connection with Kresse's disputation:
Monday May 19th 11.00. the Auditorium, The Norwegian Radium Hospital
Prof Matt van de Rijn, MD, PhD, Dept of Pathology, Stanford U Med Center
"Using sarcomas as discovery tools for tumor stroma"
For more information of their research projects, please visit the group web page
Wednesday May 21st kl 12.30, the Auditorium, The Norwegian Radium Hospital:
Prof Irene Andrulis MD PhD, Samuel Lunenfeld Research Institute, Toronto
"Identification and clinical importance of molecular alterations in axillary node-negative breast cancer"
For more information of their research projects, please visit the group web page
Complete announcement (in Norwegian, from the UiO web pages)
Home page of Ola Myklebost's group (
Department of Tumor Biology