Manish Kakar presented on popular Institute of Physics web page

The Authors Edition aims to showcase interviews with IoP authors who have published papers that were key to the advancement of physics research in their particular subject area.
Kakar is a member of Dag Rune Olsen's "Experimental Radiation Therapy" group at the Department of Radiation Biology at the Norwegian Institute for Cancer Research.
Link to the interview
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Institute of Physics brings over 30 of the most prestigious journals in physics and related disciplines - all available via their award-winning Electronic Journals service.
"Authors Edition" is a new expansion on their popular interview-style feature '60 seconds with ... ' available on the IoP electronic journals homepage.
The Authors Edition aims to showcase interviews with IOP authors who have published papers that were key to the advancement of physics research in their particular subject area. It is here possible to browse through over 100 interviews according to the journal in which the authors' papers were published. In the interviews the authors talk about their papers in a way which is accessible to the general scientific community. They make a fascinating read and give a real insight into the science research being carried out all over the world.
Homepage of Dag Rune Olsen's group: Experimental Radiation Therapy
Manish Kakar
Media articles from the Olsen group
60 seconds with ... Authors Edition (from IoP electronic journals home page)
IoP electronic journals home page
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