OUS researchers co-author study published in Nature Genetics identifying new susceptibility variants for MS

Hanne F. Harbo and Elisabeth G. Celius from the MS Research Group at the Division of Surgery and Neuroscience, and Benedicte A. Lie and Inger-Lise Mero from the Immunogenetics of Autoimmune Diseases Group at the Division of Diagnostics and Intervention are among the six Norwegian researchers that co-author a major international study recently published in Nature Genetics (journal impact factor 35.53), entitled "Analysis of immune-related loci identifies 48 new susceptibility variants for multiple sclerosis". The study is a collaboration between 193 researchers from 84 groups in 13 countries. The findings has attracted considerable media coverage.
International Multiple Sclerosis Genetics Consortium (IMSGC), Beecham AH, Patsopoulos NA, Xifara DK, Davis MF, Kemppinen A, Cotsapas C, Shah TS, Spencer C, Booth D, Goris A, Oturai A, Saarela J, Fontaine B, Hemmer B, Martin C, Zipp F, D'Alfonso S, Martinelli-Boneschi F, Taylor B, Harbo HF, Kockum I, Hillert J, Olsson T, Ban M et al.
Analysis of immune-related loci identifies 48 new susceptibility variants for multiple sclerosis
Nat Genet (in press)
Hilde F. Harbo's group: MS Research Group OUS
Benedicte A. Lie's group: Immunogenetics of Autoimmune Diseases
News articles (in Norwegian), elaborating on the findings:
From VG: "Kan være et steg nærmere å løse MS-gåten" (translated to "May be a step closer towards solving the MS riddle"
From Dagens Medisin: "Forskere med nye MS-genfunn" ("Researchers with novel MS genetic findings"
From UiO: "Genfunn kan belyse MS-mysteriet" ("Genetic findings may cast a light on the MS mystery")
From OUS: "Genfunn belyser MS-mysteriet"