Norsk Hydros Fund for Cancer Research Guest Lecture, October 1st Erich Nigg

Professor Erich Nigg has for many years been a leading scientist in the study of cell-cycle regulation, in particular events related to mitosis. He has given seminal contributions to our understanding of the centrosome, of chromosome segregation, of kinetochore function and, maybe most of all, of the role of different kinases in the progression of the cell cycle.
Professor Nigg will give a lecture on the subject “Cell Cycle Control of Centrosome Duplication and Chromosome Segregation” on Monday October 1st, 2012 at 14:00 in the Auditorium at Institute for Cancer Research. Host: Erik Boye / Norsk Hydros Fond for Kreftforskning
Professor Nigg is the director of the Biozentrum in Basel, Switzerland, an institution for many excellent scientists and a variety of different research groups. He is visiting us with the anticipation that collaborative projects could be developed between the Biozentrum and the Institute for Cancer Research.
If you wish to meet with Erich Nigg during his visit, please contact Erik Boye (
About Erich Nigg