Early career development

(since the establishment of Dept Mol Oncology 2006)

Prizes and honors

2023: Kushtrim Kryeziu receives Early Career Award from Oslo University Hospital

2022: Kushtrim Kryeziu receives "Researcher of the year" award from Institute for Cancer Research, OUS, and the Radium Hospital Foundation

2022: Mari Bogaard receives the 3rd best poster prize among 1400 posters at the European Congress of Pathology, Basel, Switzerland

2021: Anita Sveen receives Dr. Ragnar Mørk’s legacy prize for excellent cancer research

2020: Anita Sveen receives "Researcher of the year" award from Institute for Cancer Research, OUS, and the Radium Hospital Foundation

2019: Peter Wold Eide receives Young Investigator Award from "Onkologisk Forum", the Norwegian Oncology Society

2019: Anita Sveen receives Early Career Award from Oslo University Hospital

2019: Marthe Løvf is awarded "Best paper" from Oslo University Hospital (Eur Urol 2019, 75:498-505)

2017: Anita Sveen receives Young Investigator Award from "Onkologisk Forum", the Norwegian Oncology Society

2017: Andreas Hoff receives "Project proposal award" from Genewiz and Pac Bio

2015: Guro E. Lind receives Dr. Ragnar Mørk’s legacy prize for excellent cancer research

2015: Guro E. Lind appointed the first leader of the Young Academy of Norway (https://akademietforyngreforskere.no/)

2015: Jarle Bruun awarded "Best paper" from OUH (Clin Cancer Res 2015, 21:3759-70)

2014: Edward Leithe receives Early career award from Oslo University Hospital

2014: Guro E. Lind appointed Scientist of the Month by South-Eastern Norway Regional Authority

2013: Anita Sveen awarded "Best paper" from OUH (Clin Cancer Res 2012, 18:6001-10)

2013: Guro E. Lind receives Early career award from Oslo University Hospital

2012: Ane Kjenseth awarded "Best paper" from OUH (J Biol Chem 2012, 287:1551-61)

2011: Guro E. Lind receives Young Investigator Award from "Onkologisk Forum", the Norwegian Oncology Society

2009: Rolf I. Skotheim receives the European Association of Cancer Research (EACR) Highly Commended Award for Young Investigator

2009: Rolf I. Skotheim receives Dr. Ragnar Mørk’s legacy prize for excellent cancer research

2008: Rolf I. Skotheim receives Young Investigator Award from "Onkologisk Forum", the Norwegian Oncology Society

2007: Guro E. Lind, Terje Alquist, Rolf I. Skotheim and Ragnhild A. Lothe receives Medinnova’s (TTO) idea prize for "Biomarkers for early detection of gastrointestinal cancers"


Young scientist grants

2024: Kushtrim Kryeziu receives a PhD grant from the South-Eastern Norway Regional Health Authority

2023: Anita Sveen receives Open Call grant-thematic area from the Norwegian Cancer Society

2023: Anita Sveen receives Open Call grant from South-Eastern Norway Regional Health Authority

2023: Anita Sveen receives Open Call grant from the Cancer Clinic, OUH

2020: Anita Sveen receives Open Call grant from the Norwegian Cancer Society

2020: Edward Leithe receives PhD grant from the South-Eastern Norway Regional Health Authority

2019: Anita Sveen receives a Post doc grant from the South-Eastern Norway Regional Health Authority

2018: Marine Jeanmougin receives Early career grant from the South-Eastern Norway Regional Health Authority

2018: Anita Sveen receives Young Research Talent Grant from the Research Council of Norway

2016: Edward Leithe receives PhD grant from the South-Eastern Norway Regional Health Authority

2015: Anita Sveen receives Personal researcher grant from the Norwegian Cancer Society

2014: Guro E. Lind receives Young Researcher Talent Grant from the Research Council of Norway

2014: Edward Leithe receives personal researcher grant from the Norwegian Cancer Society

2012: Guro E. Lind receives Early career grant from the South-Eastern Norway Regional Health Authority

2012: Lina Cekaite receives Personal researcher grant from the South-Eastern Norway Regional Health Authority

2011: Edward Leithe receives Personal researcher grant from the South-Eastern Norway Regional Health Authority

2007: Rolf I. Skotheim receives Personal researcher grant from the Norwegian Cancer Society



Outgoing visits:

Postdoc to Meyerson lab, MIT/Harvard, 2016-2017, 12 months

PhD student to T. Johansen lab, U of Tromsø, 2016, 3 months

Postdoc and Researcher to Kallioniemi lab, Finnish Inst for Molecular Medicine, 2014-15, 6 months and 2 weeks, respectively

PhD student to Dalmay Lab., U of East Anglia, England, 2014, 2 weeks

Previous outgoing visits, 1996-2008: 8 lab members to foreign labs for 1-12 months, (ES, FIN, ITA, SWE, UK, USA)


Incoming visits:

PhD student from Prof I.S. Pedersen lab, Aalborg University Hospital, Aalborg, 2023, 3 months

PhD student from P. Guldberg lab, Danish Cancer Society, Copenhagen, 2019, 2 months

Scientia fellow postdoc from L. David lab, IPATIMUP, U of Porto, 2016-18, 2 year (Oslo-Porto)

Scientia fellow postdoc, from Medical U of Vienna, Austria, 2016-18, 2 year (Oslo)

Researcher from the Finnish Institute for Molecular Medicine, 20% position, 2016-17, 16 months

PhD student from M. Sobrinho-Simoes lab, IPATIMUP, U of Porto, 2010-12, 6 months

Previous incoming visits, 1996-2010: 17 visits from foreign labs for 1-5 months (DEN, FIN, FR, PT, USA)


Leadership courses:

2 EMBO Solutions course for project leaders: "EMBO Laboratory Leadership Course", Oslo (2024)

2 EMBO postdoc courses: "Laboratory Leadership for Postdocs" (2022); "Laboratory Management", Heidelberg, Germany (2016)

6 UiO postdoctoral program: "Research management" (2021); "Career development" (2019 n=2; 2017); "Writing Grant Applications" (2018, 2017)

2 UiO Researcher Leadership Program, Consolidating level (2019, 2017)

EMBO consolidator level: "International advanced leadership course", Heidelberg, Germany (2017)

2 Schiller-Mertens training program - leadership, Oslo (2016, n=2)

EMBO consolidator level: "Female Leaders in Science" (2016)

1 OUH leadership advanced level: "OUS-førstelinjelederprogrammet" (2012-13)

Leadership course "Management in Research Environments", Oslo (2011)

EMBO: "Laboratory Management Course for Postdocs", Heidelberg, Germany (2009)

EMBO: "Coaching" (2008)

EMBO: "Self and time management" (2007)

EMBO group leader course: "Laboratory Management" EMBO (2006)


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