“Young Scientist Award” to Heidi Pharo for best poster presentation at the NextGen Omics 2023 Conference in London

Heidi Pharo attended the NextGen Omics 2023 Conference in London the 9th – 10th of November and presented a poster about the bladder cancer research in the Lind lab, including a national multicenter clinical trial using the BladMetrix urine test for detecting recurrences. The poster received great attention, and was one of three posters achieving the Young Scientist Award (YSA) for best poster presentation. The three winners each received a £1000 travel grant, the Oxford Globals’ Omics PLUS Pass, a trophy and the opportunity to provide a 10 minutes oral presentation at the conference the following day.

The NextGen Omics Conference was organized by Oxford Global, and offered six different scientific tracks covering various –omics topics, including “Digital PCR and liquid biopsies for disease management”. The conference attracted over 500 attendees from all over the world, the majority from academic institutions, and offered a selection of over 60 scientific talks.

Poster presentation: Pharo et al., “A urine DNA methylation test for diagnosis and surveillance of bladder cancer”

Conference web site: https://oxfordglobal.com/nextgen-omics-series-uk/


Nov 16, 2023 Page visits: 853