Innovation project from the Lind group featured by GenomeWeb


The New York based news organization GenomeWeb recently presented an in-depth article about the Oslo University Hospital-efforts of developing a urine-based test for monitoring of bladder cancer patients. Professor Guro Lind presented the project at the Oslo Life Science Conference 2017 previously this year (watch presentation, 58 minutes into the recording. The project drew the attention of Bjarne Røsjø in Titan and was later picked up by GenomeWeb.

The project is funded through an innovation program (BIOTEK) from the Research Council of Norway, with the technology transfer office Inven2 as a partner. Central collaborators are Dr. Rolf Wahlqvist and his team at Aker Hospital, and Professor Carmen Jeronimo at the Portuguese Oncology Institute, Porto, Portugal.



Members of the Epigenetics group at the Department of Molecular Oncology, Institute of Cancer Research, Oslo University Hospital are collecting urine samples from healthy controls. From left : Hilde Honne, Kim Andresen, Guro Lind, Heidi Pharo.


GenomeWeb article (behind payment wall):
Norwegian Team Plans to Debut Digital PCR-Based Urinary Bladder Cancer Test by Year End

Presentation held by Guro E. Lind, Oslo Life Science 2017 (go to 58 min into recording)

Home page of Guro E. Lind's Epigenetics research group

Department of Molecular Oncology 

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