Useful Flow Cytometry Links
NFCF was officially established in the summer of 2004 at the first Norwegian flow cytometry meeting held in Oslo in May 2003. NFCF aims to gather those using flow cytometry as a tool in their daily work, as well as those who want to gain more knowledge about the technology.
The webpage is essential for the society to reach their members and provide information of national meetings held by the NFCF as well as other flow cytometry meetings. The also contains information of different flow cytometry tools, such as software and spectra viewers etc. |
SpectraViewers and Panel Builder:
Tocris Spectra viewer (powered by FluoroFinder)
Cytek Cloud (Panel and experiment design)
FluoroFinder Panel Design (Montebello instruments only - Institution listed for us is Oslo University)
Optimized Multicolor Immunophenotyping panels (OMIP) Cytometry A OMIPs Collection
Search-tool for a suitable OMIP
Software Training:
Flow cytometry introductions and resources:
Molecular Probes Tutorial Series—Introduction to Flow Cytometry - YouTube
▶ Molecular Probes Tutorial Series—Analyzing Flow Cytometry Data - YouTube
Molecular Probes Tutorial Series—Introduction to Fluorescence - YouTube
▶ Molecular Probes Tutorial Series— Anatomy of Fluorescence Spectra - YouTube
Colibri cytometry-Blog (a great place for tips on staining, blocking, autofluorescence and high-parameter flow)
Publications of Flow Cytometry data guidelines: