Date |
What? | Where? |
22. Feb, 9:00-14:00 |
Flow-How seminar special edition: Aurora Kick-Off: BEST PRACTICES IN FULL SPECTRUM CYTOMETRY Cytek Application specialist Marta Brewinska-Olchowik |
Auditorium K-building (Forskningsbygget) |
29. Feb, 14:00-15:30 | Flow-How seminar: Basics of Flow Cytometry and more about flow cytometers, Idun Dale Rein | Meeting room, 4th floor (K04.120) |
4.-8. Mar. | Flow cytometry in medical research and diagnostics 5 day course | Radiumhospitalet, K-+J- building, Oslo, Norway |
12. Mar, 13:30-16:00 |
Flow-How seminar: BD Spectral Panel Design and Supercharge your data analysis with FlowJo Event, Dagbjört Petursdottir and Serena Di Cecilia Sign up via email to |
Seminarrooms 1st floor, K-building (Forskningsbygget) |
9. Apr, 14:30-15:30 | Flow-How seminar: PrimeFlow RNA probes for RNA detection by Flow cytometry, Margit Jaschke TAS ThermoFisher Teams meeting-link |
Virtual talk (Teams) |
TBA | Flow-How seminar: RNAscope technology for mass cytometry detection of RNA, Standard Biotools | TBA |
14. Jun 10:30-12 | Flow-How seminar: Optimized 35-color Full-spectrum Immunophenotyping panel with drop-in channels, ThermoFisher and Seddon Thomas | Seminarrooms 1st floor, K-building (Forskningsbygget) |
4.-8. May | CYTO 2024 | Edinburgh, UK |
5.-7. June | NFCF national flow cytometry meeting | UiT campus, Tromsø |
12. Dec, 10-12 | Flow-How seminar: Advancing Flow Cytometry: New Dyes, Spectral and Imaging Flow cytometry, and High-Dimensional Data Analysis, BD and Morten Løbner | Seminarrooms 1st floor, K-building (Forskningsbygget) |
*The Flow-How seminars are open to anyone, and always at the research building (K/FOBY) at Radiumhospitalet. Presentation slides (when available) from the seminars will be published on: K:\Alle\KF_Flow\Montebello\Flow-How seminar Slides