About the core facility

The Flow Cytometry Core Facility has provided flow cytometry analysis and cell sorting services to interested users since 1995.

The FCCF provides sorting of cells, cell organelles, fixed bacteria and other microorganisms based on light scatter and/or fluorescent markers. Cells can be sorted under semi-sterile conditions and with high purity enabling the recovered cells to be cultured. It is possible to sort cells according to antigen/flourescent protein expression, DNA content or cell function, or a combination thereof. Cell sorting is useful to retrieve clones/sub-populations for further culture, DNA/RNA/protein extraction or for morphological analysis. Sorted cells can be collected into tubes (one to six tubes/populations) or deposited as single cells into multiwell plates or onto slides. 

We also provide training and assistance for fluorescence (conventional and full-spectrum) and mass flow cytometry analysis as well as technical expertise and advice for experimental planning and design, cell preparation, analysis and data handling.

The newest additions to the core facility are the full-spectrum ID7000 instruments at Gaustad/Rikshospitalet, the 5-laser Aurora analyzer and the 3-laser Aurora Cell sorter (both at Radium/Montebello) and the FACSMelody Cell sorter at Ullevål. Within the last 5 years, we have also aquired the mass cytometry imaging unit for imaging of tissue/cells on slides (Hyperion, Radium, up to 40 parameters), the analyzer FACSymphony A5 (Radium), and the FACSMelody Cell sorter at Gaustad.


The flow cytometry core facility is a non-profit facility and is supported by regular grants from Helse Sør-Øst, OUS and UiO/NFR, as well as nominal user fees. Funding of new instruments have also been supported by several UiO centres of excellence, Norsk Hydros Fond and Radiumhospitalets Legater.


Services are provided primarily for academic users from the Helse Sør-Øst region. In addition, other interested national and international academic users as well as commercial actors are encouraged to contact FCCF management/staff to contract services.


Trained users will be able to use our instruments (DIY) for a fee per hour to cover running expenses (reagents, materials and service). Sorting or analysis assistance performed by Core facility staff will be charged per hour. Detailed price information can be found on the page for each instrument.


The Flow Cytometry Core Facility at OUS divides its instrument parks between Montebello, Gaustad and Ullevål. 

All rooms in K-building ("Forskningsbygget"): K03.078 and K03.080 (both East wing, "Strålingsbiologi") / K03.020 (West wing, "Kreftimmunologi"), Department of Core Facilities, Institute for Cancer Research,
The Norwegian Radium Hospital, Montebello, 0310 Oslo

Room A3.M037/ A3. M047/A3.M036A, Institute of Pathology, Rikshospitalet, Sognsvannsveien 20, 0027 Oslo

Room 0606030, Midtblokka 6th floor
Department for Medical Biochemistry, Ullevål hospital,
Kirkeveien 166, 0450 Oslo

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