Kristina Ivanauskiene

  • Department engineer; PhD
  • +47 22 78 13 23

Office: K02 049


Publications 2019

Lie-Jensen A, Ivanauskiene K, Malerød L, Jain A, Tan KW, Laerdahl JK, Liestøl K, Stenmark H, Haglund K (2019)
Centralspindlin Recruits ALIX to the Midbody during Cytokinetic Abscission in Drosophila via a Mechanism Analogous to Virus Budding
Curr Biol, 29 (20), 3538-3548.e7
DOI 10.1016/j.cub.2019.09.025, PubMed 31607533

Publications 2017

Delbarre E, Ivanauskiene K, Spirkoski J, Shah A, Vekterud K, Moskaug JØ, Bøe SO, Wong LH, Küntziger T, Collas P (2017)
PML protein organizes heterochromatin domains where it regulates histone H3.3 deposition by ATRX/DAXX
Genome Res, 27 (6), 913-921
DOI 10.1101/gr.215830.116, PubMed 28341773

Holm KL, Syljuåsen RG, Hasvold G, Alsøe L, Nilsen H, Ivanauskiene K, Collas P, Shaposhnikov S, Collins A, Indrevær RL, Aukrust P, Fevang B, Blomhoff HK (2017)
TLR9 stimulation of B-cells induces transcription of p53 and prevents spontaneous and irradiation-induced cell death independent of DNA damage responses. Implications for Common variable immunodeficiency
PLoS One, 12 (10), e0185708
DOI 10.1371/journal.pone.0185708, PubMed 28973009

Publications 2014

Ivanauskiene K, Delbarre E, McGhie JD, Küntziger T, Wong LH, Collas P (2014)
The PML-associated protein DEK regulates the balance of H3.3 loading on chromatin and is important for telomere integrity
Genome Res, 24 (10), 1584-94
DOI 10.1101/gr.173831.114, PubMed 25049225

Publications 2012

Delbarre E, Ivanauskiene K, Küntziger T, Collas P (2012)
DAXX-dependent supply of soluble (H3.3-H4) dimers to PML bodies pending deposition into chromatin
Genome Res, 23 (3), 440-51
DOI 10.1101/gr.142703.112, PubMed 23222847