Sissel Berge Helverschou

  • Specialist in psychology; PhD
  • +47 23 01 60 56

Publications 2025

Kildahl AN, Hellerud JMA, Halvorsen MB, Helverschou SB (2025)
The Aberrant Behavior Checklist in a Clinical Sample of Autistic Individuals with Intellectual Disabilities and Co-Occurring Mental Health Problems: Psychometric Properties, Factor Structure, and Longitudinal Measurement Invariance
J Autism Dev Disord (in press)
DOI 10.1007/s10803-024-06697-5, PubMed 39754654

Publications 2024

Bakken TL, Hellerud JMA, Kildahl AN, Solheim-Inderberg AM, Hove O, Helverschou SB (2024)
Correction To: Schizophrenia in Autistic People with Intellectual Disabilities. Treatment and Interventions
J Autism Dev Disord, 54 (10), 3973
DOI 10.1007/s10803-024-06430-2, PubMed 38990373

Halvorsen MB, Kildahl AN, Kaiser S, Axelsdottir B, Aman MG, Helverschou SB (2024)
Applicability and Psychometric Properties of General Mental Health Assessment Tools in Autistic People: A Systematic Review
J Autism Dev Disord (in press)
DOI 10.1007/s10803-024-06324-3, PubMed 38613595

Publications 2023

Bakke KA, Helverschou SB, Skrivarhaug T, Houge SD, Stray-Pedersen A (2023)
Personalised medicine for developmental disorders
Tidsskr Nor Laegeforen, 143 (13)
DOI 10.4045/tidsskr.23.0351, PubMed 37753748

Bakken TL, Kildahl AN, Ludvigsen LB, Bjørgen TG, Dalhaug C, Hellerud JMA, Hove O, Solheim-Inderberg AM, Karlsen K, Helverschou SB (2023)
Schizophrenia in autistic people with intellectual disabilities: Symptom manifestations and identification
J Appl Res Intellect Disabil, 36 (5), 1076-1091
DOI 10.1111/jar.13127, PubMed 37264713

David LW, Stenberg N, Diseth TH, Helverschou SB, Nyquist CB, Øien RA, Waehre A (2023)
Autistic Characteristics in a Nationally Representative Clinical Sample of Adolescents Seeking Medical Gender-Affirming Treatment in Norway
J Autism Dev Disord, 55 (1), 147-157
DOI 10.1007/s10803-023-06181-6, PubMed 38055182

Kildahl AN, Helverschou SB (2023)
Post-traumatic stress disorder and experiences involving violence or sexual abuse in a clinical sample of autistic adults with intellectual disabilities: Prevalence and clinical correlates
Autism, 28 (5), 1075-1089
DOI 10.1177/13623613231190948, PubMed 37609889

Kildahl AN, Oddli HW, Helverschou SB (2023)
Bias in assessment of co-occurring mental disorder in individuals with intellectual disabilities: Theoretical perspectives and implications for clinical practice
J Intellect Disabil, 28 (2), 393-414
DOI 10.1177/17446295231154119, PubMed 36708367

Publications 2022

Halvorsen MB, Helverschou SB, Axelsdottir B, Brøndbo PH, Martinussen M (2022)
General Measurement Tools for Assessing Mental Health Problems Among Children and Adolescents with an Intellectual Disability: A Systematic Review
J Autism Dev Disord, 53 (1), 132-204
DOI 10.1007/s10803-021-05419-5, PubMed 35022944

Publications 2021

Bakke KA, Howlin P, Helverschou SB (2021)
Hyperactive behaviour in Angelman syndrome: the association with sleep problems and age of epilepsy onset
J Intellect Disabil Res, 65 (7), 666-674
DOI 10.1111/jir.12842, PubMed 33951249

Helverschou SB, Bakken TL, Berge H, Bjorgen TG, Botheim H, Hellerud JA, Helseth I, Hove O, Johansen PA, Kildahl AN, Ludvigsen LB, Nygaard S, Rysstad A, Wigaard E, Howlin P (2021)
Preliminary Findings From a Nationwide, Multicenter Mental Health Service for Adults and Older Adolescents With Autism Spectrum Disorder and ID
J. Policy Pract. Intellect. Disabil., 18 (2), 162-173
DOI 10.1111/jppi.12366

Helverschou SB, Ludvigsen LB, Hove O, Kildahl AN (2021)
Psychometric properties of the Psychopathology in Autism Checklist (PAC)
Int J Dev Disabil, 67 (5), 318-326
DOI 10.1080/20473869.2021.1910779, PubMed 34552727

Kildahl AN, Helverschou SB, Rysstad AL, Wigaard E, Hellerud JM, Ludvigsen LB, Howlin P (2021)
Pathological demand avoidance in children and adolescents: A systematic review
Autism, 25 (8), 2162-2176
DOI 10.1177/13623613211034382, PubMed 34320869

Publications 2020

Kildahl AN, Bakken TL, Matre EAW, Hellerud JMA, Engebretsen MH, Helverschou SB (2020)
Case study: identification of anxiety and subsequent intervention in an adolescent male with autism, severe intellectual disability and self-injurious behaviour
Int J Dev Disabil, 67 (5), 327-338
DOI 10.1080/20473869.2020.1850160, PubMed 34552728

Kildahl AN, Berg LK, Nilssen ALE, Bjorgo K, Rodningen O, Helverschou SB (2020)
Psychiatric assessment in Phelan-McDermid Syndrome (22q13 deletion syndrome)
J. Intellect. Dev. Dis., 45 (1), 54-58
DOI 10.3109/13668250.2018.1440135

Kildahl AN, Helverschou SB, Bakken TL, Oddli HW (2020)
"If we do not look for it, we do not see it": Clinicians' experiences and understanding of identifying post-traumatic stress disorder in adults with autism and intellectual disability
J Appl Res Intellect Disabil, 33 (5), 1119-1132
DOI 10.1111/jar.12734, PubMed 32285568

Kildahl AN, Helverschou SB, Bakken TL, Oddli HW (2020)
"Driven and Tense, Stressed Out and Anxious": Clinicians' Perceptions of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Symptom Expressions in Adults with Autism and Intellectual Disability
J. Ment. Health Res. Intellect. Disabil., 13 (3), 201-230
DOI 10.1080/19315864.2020.1760972

Kildahl AN, Helverschou SB, Oddli HW (2020)
Clinicians' retrospective perceptions of failure to detect sexual abuse in a young man with autism and mild intellectual disability*
J. Intellect. Dev. Dis., 45 (2), 194-202
DOI 10.3109/13668250.2019.1680821

Kildahl AN, Oddli HW, Helverschou SB (2020)
Potentially traumatic experiences and behavioural symptoms in adults with autism and intellectual disability referred for psychiatric assessment
Res Dev Disabil, 107, 103788
DOI 10.1016/j.ridd.2020.103788, PubMed 33091711

Rysstad AL, Kildahl AN, Skavhaug JO, Dønnum MS, Helverschou SB (2020)
Case study: organizing outpatient pharmacological treatment of bipolar disorder in autism, intellectual disability and Phelan-McDermid syndrome (22q13.3 deletion syndrome)
Int J Dev Disabil, 68 (3), 378-387
DOI 10.1080/20473869.2020.1756113, PubMed 35603006

Publications 2019

Helverschou SB, Brunvold AR, Arnevik EA (2019)
Treating Patients With Co-occurring Autism Spectrum Disorder and Substance Use Disorder: A Clinical Explorative Study
Subst Abuse, 13, 1178221819843291
DOI 10.1177/1178221819843291, PubMed 31024216

Kildahl AN, Bakken TL, Iversen TE, Helverschou SB (2019)
Identification of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder in Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder and Intellectual Disability: A Systematic Review
J. Ment. Health Res. Intellect. Disabil., 12 (1-2), 1-25
DOI 10.1080/19315864.2019.1595233

Kildahl AN, Engebretsen MH, Helverschou SB (2019)
Attachment disorder in autism spectrum disorder and intellectual disability
Adv. Ment. Health Intellet. Disabil., 13 (2), 57-66
DOI 10.1108/AMHID-09-2018-0039

Kildahl AN, Engebretsen MH, Horndalsveen K, Hellerud JMA, Wiik JY, Aasen G, Helverschou SB (2019)
Psychiatric assessment in congenital blindness, ASD and ID: experience from two clinical cases
Adv. Ment. Health Intellet. Disabil., 13 (5), 194-203
DOI 10.1108/AMHID-03-2019-0007

Publications 2018

Bakken TL, Evensen OO, Bjorgen TG, Nilsen IT, Bang N, Pedersen U, Berge K, Ellingsen KE, Baasland T, Helverschou SB (2018)
Mental health services for adolescents and adults with intellectual disabilities in Norway: a descriptive study
Adv. Ment. Health Intellet. Disabil., 12 (3-4), 121-134
DOI 10.1108/AMHID-03-2018-0012

Publications 2017

Helverschou SB, Steindal K, Nøttestad JA, Howlin P (2017)
Personal experiences of the Criminal Justice System by individuals with autism spectrum disorders
Autism, 22 (4), 460-468
DOI 10.1177/1362361316685554, PubMed 28325062

Kildahl AN, Bakken TL, Holm OK, Helverschou SB (2017)
Assessment of psychosis in ASD/ID: a case study
Adv. Ment. Health Intellet. Disabil., 11 (1), 17-23
DOI 10.1108/AMHID-11-2016-0036

Publications 2016

Arnevik EA, Helverschou SB (2016)
Autism Spectrum Disorder and Co-occurring Substance Use Disorder - A Systematic Review
Subst Abuse, 10, 69-75
DOI 10.4137/SART.S39921, PubMed 27559296

Publications 2015

Helverschou SB, Rasmussen K, Steindal K, Søndanaa E, Nilsson B, Nøttestad JA (2015)
Offending profiles of individuals with autism spectrum disorder: A study of all individuals with autism spectrum disorder examined by the forensic psychiatric service in Norway between 2000 and 2010
Autism, 19 (7), 850-8
DOI 10.1177/1362361315584571, PubMed 25976157

Publications 2014

Søndenaa E, Helverschou SB, Steindal K, Rasmussen K, Nilson B, Nøttestad JA (2014)
Violence and sexual offending behavior in people with autism spectrum disorder who have undergone a psychiatric forensic examination
Psychol Rep, 115 (1), 32-43
DOI 10.2466/16.15.PR0.115c16z5, PubMed 25073065

Publications 2011

Helverschou SB, Martinsen H (2011)
Anxiety in people diagnosed with autism and intellectual disability: Recognition and phenomenology
Res. Autism Spectr. Disord., 5 (1), 377-387
DOI 10.1016/j.rasd.2010.05.003

Publications 2010

Bakken TL, Helverschou SB, Eilertsen DE, Heggelund T, Myrbakk E, Martinsen H (2010)
Psychiatric disorders in adolescents and adults with autism and intellectual disability: a representative study in one county in Norway
Res Dev Disabil, 31 (6), 1669-77
DOI 10.1016/j.ridd.2010.04.009, PubMed 20493660

Publications 2009

Helverschou SB, Bakken TL, Martinsen H (2009)
The Psychopathology in Autism Checklist (PAC): A pilot study
Res. Autism Spectr. Disord., 3 (1), 179-195
DOI 10.1016/j.rasd.2008.05.004

Publications 2008

Bakken TL, Helverschou SB, Kalvenes G, Foss NE, Martinsen H (2008)
Psykisk lidelse hos voksne med autisme og utviklingshemning: erfaringer fra 19 kliniske samarbeidsprosjekter
In Rapport, Autismeenheten, Oslo, nr 2·2008, VI, 64 s.
BIBSYS 091781892, ISBN 978-82-92793-06-0

Publications 2002

Sponheim E, Oftedal G, Helverschou SB (2002)
Multiple doses of secretin in the treatment of autism: a controlled study
Acta Paediatr, 91 (5), 540-5
DOI 10.1080/080352502753711669, PubMed 12113323