Group news

December, 2024:

Donia Jamal Ramadan recieves Talentstipend from Sparebanken 1, Ringerike.
Link: Fra Bioingeniør til forskningstalent med store ambisjoner (

May 2024:

Benedicte A. Lie presented our work on extracellular vesicles in rheumatoid arthritis on the annual NOR-EV meeting.

April 2024:

Marte Viken and Øyvind Bakke presented their work at the REMEDY young researcher seminar.

March, 2024:

Fatima Heinicke receives REMEDY Young Research Grant and present her study on molecular changes in CD19+ B-cell subsets at single cell resolution related to disease flare in rheumatoid arthritis patients.

October, 2023:

PhD student Maria Vigeland is interviewed by Morgenbladet about her findings of biological differences regarding development of pain in women vs men.
Link to article ( 

October, 2023:

Marte Viken is interviewed in Drammens Tidene regarding ME research.

Link to article (

October, 2023:

Fatima Heinicke interviewed regarding her study that compared the performance commercially available library preparation kits for miRNA sequencing.

Link to article (

March, 2023:

PhD student Maria Vigeland receives REMEDY Young Research Grant and presents her study on changes in gene expression associated with pain and disability in patients with low back pain and modic changes.

May, 2022:

Our research group is a member of the newly established Center for treatment of Rheumatic and Musculoskeletal Diseases (REMEDY).

REMEDY Research Centre (

March, 2022

Marte Viken interviewed by about ME/CFS: 

Link to article (

December, 2021:

PhD student Marte Heimli explains to the general audience why T cells need to go to school in the thymus before they can enter the periphery:

Immunceller må gå på skolen - Det medisinske fakultet (

September, 2020:

Marte Viken interviewed by VG regarding ME and corona pandemic:

Link to article (

March, 2020:

Asgeir Lande communicates his findings from his PhD work regarding HLA associations in ME/CFS to the ME patient organization:

Link to article (

January, 2019:

Blog post on OUS blog “Nobody has a perfect genome” by Benedicte Lie.

Ingen har perfekt arvestoff (


Formidling til pasienter og pårørende på ME fagdag:

Benedicte Lie: Genetiske studier ac CFS/ME for å undersøke rollen til immunsystemet - YouTube

June, 2018

Asgeir Lande interviewed by Fædrelandsvennen regarding ME:
Link to article ( 

June, 2017:

Media attention when we received funding to our ME research from the program BEHOV-ME from the Norwegian Research Council

Regjeringen gir 30 millioner til Me-forskning: - Det tok fire år før jeg fikk diagnosen (

30 millioner kroner til ME-forskning - Institutt for klinisk medisin (

October, 2016:

Pasientnær forskning - Helse Sør-Øst RHF (

September, 2016:

Interviewed by R-magasinet (The Norwegian Rheumatic Association patient organization) about epigenetics and our research in rheumatoid arthritis:

View magazine (open as PDF)

Glade jenter med nye Mastergrader

Marianne Staff Fredhjem, Cathrine McCoig og Anne Rydland (f.v) er fornøyde med vel gjennomførte mastergrader fra vår gruppe i juni 2018. De var studenter fra bioteknologi ved NMBU.
Marianne Staff Fredhjem, Cathrine McCoig og Anne Rydland (f.v) er fornøyde med vel gjennomførte mastergrader fra vår gruppe i juni 2018. De var studenter fra bioteknologi ved NMBU.

Marianne Staff Fredhjem, Cathrine McCoig og Anne Rydland (f.v) er fornøyde med vel gjennomførte mastergrader fra vår gruppe i juni 2018. De var studenter fra bioteknologi ved NMBU.

Tittel på oppgavene:

  • The role of coagulation factor V in breast cancer; Marianne Staff Fredhjem. Veiledere Mari Tinholt og Nina Iversen
  • The functional role of coagulation factor V in liver cancer; Cathrine McCoig. Veiledere Nina Iversen og Mari Tinholt
  • Functional studies of ERAP2 associated with risk of autoimmune diseases; Anne Rydland. Veiledere Marte Viken og Benedicte A. Lie.

Vi gratulerer så mye ☺