Emilie Einertsen

  • Special Engineer; Bsc
  • +47 22 78 23 18




2018 - 2022:               MSc in Biotechnology, NMBU, Ås

2015 - 2018:               BSc in Biology, Nord Universitet, Bodø

Research interests/projects:

Cancer immunotherapy


Work experience:

2023-present:              Research engineer, Dept. of Cellular Therapy, OUS-Radiumhospitalet

2022-2023:                 Laboratory engineer, Pathology Dept. Section for Histology, OUS-Rikshospitalet

2021-2022:                 Laboratory engineer (50%), Norwegian Sequencing Centre, OUS-Ullevål

2019-2020:                 Laboratory assistant, Dept. of Molecular Cell Biology, OUS-Radiumhospitalet