Norwegian Core Facility for human pluripotent stem cell production, characterization and gene editing

We assist researchers with the production, characterization, differentiation and genome editing of human pluripotent stem cells.

We also develop pre-GMP protocols for iPS cell reprogramming and differentiation to specific progenitor cell and neural cell types for use in clinical applications (see NIBCA below).



The Core Facility for Human Pluripotent Stem Cells offers services related to research on human ES and iPS cells. We provide reprogramming of iPS cell lines from patients and healthy donors, for example for in vitro disease modeling. We have already-established human ES cell lines and a large bank of human iPS cell lines established through ongoing REK-approved projects. We also provide CRISPR-based gene editing services through our node at Akershus University Hospital, including knock-in, knock-out, SNP correction and reporter iPSC generation.


Our services include:

  • Reprogramming of hiPS cells from skin biopsies and blood samples
  • Characterization of hES and hiPS cells (expression of pluripotency markers, embryoid body formation)
  • Training and assistance in cultivation of hES and hiPS cells
  • Long-term storage of skin fibroblasts and hiPS cells
  • Mycoplasma testing (not restricted to hES or hiPS cells)
  • Use of laboratory space including a quarantine lab, a BS2-classified virus lab, and a fully contained variable oxygen cell cultivation unit
  • Differentiation of selected cell types from hES and hiPS cells
  • Strategic planning of reprogramming experiments and in vitro disease modeling
  • Cell characterization equipment (qPCR, flow cytometry and user-available confocal microscope)
  • Gene editing (CRISPR), knock-in, knock-out, SNP correction, and reporter iPSC generation, Stem Cell Facility – Ahus

See a detailed list of services and pricing here.

To request services at the Norwegian Stem Cell Core Facility please use the REQUEST FORM and submit it to


Norwegian iPSC Biobank for Clinical Applications (NIBCA)

The Norwegian Core Facility for Human Pluripotent Stem Cells is a key element in the development of the Norwegian iPSC Biobank for Clinical Applications (NIBCA), in collaboration with the Ex Vivo Cell Laboratory (EVCL) and the Norwegian Bone Marrow Donor Registry at Oslo University Hospital. NIBCA will be a national resource of allogeneic iPS cells with HLA-haplotypes that permit use in cell-based therapies for a large segment of the Norwegian population. The Norwegian Core Facility for Human Pluripotent Stem Cells is the pre-GMP arm of NIBCA, with responsibility for developing and testing GMP-compliant protocols for donor cell collection, isolation and preparation for reprogramming to iPS cells, and the transfer of these protocols to EVCL for GMP-compliant implementation. 


We are located on the first floor of Domus Medica, across the street from the main National Hospital building.

The Norwegian Core Facility for Human Pluripotent Stem Cells is a key element in the development of the Norwegian iPSC Biobank for Clinical Applications (NIBCA), in collaboration with the Ex Vivo Cell Laboratory (EVCL) and the Norwegian Bone Marrow Donor Registry at Oslo University Hospital. NIBCA will be a national resource of allogeneic iPS cells with HLA-haplotypes that permit use in cell-based therapies for a large segment of the Norwegian population. The Norwegian Core Facility for Human Pluripotent Stem Cells is the pre-GMP arm of NIBCA, with responsibility for developing and testing GMP-compliant protocols for donor cell collection, isolation and preparation for reprogramming to iPS cells, and the transfer of these protocols to EVCL for GMP-compliant implementation. 

International network

The Norwegian Core Facility for Human Pluripotent Stem Cells represents Norway in the following international core facility consortia:

Stem Cell COREdinates

Human Pluripotent Stem Cell Registry - hPSCreg 

International Stem Cell Banking Initiative - ISCBI

EU COST Action CorEuStem - The European Network for Stem Cell Core Facilities 

EU COST Action HAPLOiPS - Generation of Human Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells From Haplo-selected Cord Blood Samples

We consult regularly with Leiden University Medical School hiPSC Core Facility and Harvard Stem Cell Institute iPS Core Facility on technological developments in iPS cell reprogramming and characterization.

Facilities and equipment

Available equipment at the Norwegian Core Facility for Human Pluripotent Stem Cells:

  • 140 m2 lab space
  • 4 fully equipped cell culture rooms (one with BS2 designation for use of viruses)
  • Cryopreservation tanks for storage of human iPS cells
  • Flow cytometry unit (Beckman Coulter Gallios 3-laser)
  • Real-Time qPCR System (Step-One Plus from Applied Biosytems)
  • Confocal microscope (LSM-700 from Zeiss)
  • Fully contained variable oxygen cell cultivation unit (BioSpherix)

Core Facility Staff

Hege Brincker-Fjerdingstad

Hege Brincker Fjerdingstad
Daily Manager
Research Engineer

+47 22851578 / 92287650






Helena Lading

Research Engineer





Kulbhushan Sharma

Leader, Genome editing, Ahus


For inquiries please contact

Current Users: here

Norwegian Core Facility Area and Equipment:        

Flow cytometry at the core facility
Gallios analytical flow cytometry unit from Beckman Coulter (10 colors/3 lasers)

Virus lab               ES outer lab 
Virus Lab (Biosafety Level 2)                      ES Outer Lab 


ES inner lab 
ES Inner Lab


Confocal Microscope 
Zeiss LSM 700 laser scanning confocal microscope with enviromentally controlled cell culture chamber


EnvisionTech 3D Bioplotter
EnvisionTech 3D Bioplotter


BioSpherix X3 Variable Oxygen Cell Culture Unit
BioSpherix X3 Fully-contained multichambered controlled atmosphere cell culture and incubation unit

Current news and events

Norwegian Stem Cell center Phase II

Glial differentiation symposium

14.December 2023 from 12:00 - 16:00

Store Auditorium (room A1.1001), Domus Odontologica, Gaustad


Neuronal differentiation symposium

29.March 2023 12:00 - 16:00

Store Auditorium (room A1.1001), Domus Odontologica, Gaustad


"kick-off" symposium

28.October 2022 from 12:00 - 16:00

Store Auditorium (room A1.1001), Domus Odontologica, Gaustad

Group presentations, - research activities related to in vitro disease modeling