Dr. Ragnar Mørk legacy prize to Mouldy Sioud

The "Dr. Ragnar Mørk legacy" prize is distributed annually to a scientist who has achieved excellent results throughout years of outstanding research. This is the fourth time this mark of honor is distributed. The purpose of the prize is to promote and encourage cancer research at the Norwegian Radium Hospital.
Research field and achievements:
During the last years Mouldy Sioud has worked on developing agents such as catalytic nucleic enzymes (ribozyme) and small interfering RNAs that can be used to study gene functions and uncover genes and/or signaling pathways involved in tumor cell growth and survival. In this respect, several gene candidates have been validated in vitro and in animal models for cancer (e.g. gliomas and breast carcinoma) as potential therapeutic targets. Novel molecular approaches that allow the identification of human genes that are regulated by endogenous antisense transcripts have been also developed in his group. Endogenous antisense RNAs play an important role in gene regulation and have been suggested to be involved in epigenetic phenomena including imprinting, DNA methylation, RNA editing and diseases such as cancer. Additionally, novel strategies for profiling immune responses in cancer patients have been also developed in his group. This led to the identification of several gene biomarkers some of which may have therapeutic and prognostic values.
Sioud's work has been published in "Nature Biotechnology". This journal has a very high impact factor (17.72)(Rosok, O. Sioud, M. (2004) Systematic identification of sense-antisense transcripts in mammalian cells Nat Biotechnol 22:104-108)
Mouldy Sioud, who was born in Tunisia (in 1957), has worked at Department of immunology since 1997.
Photos from the seremony Friday 26th of November: click here