Institute Seminars at the Institute for Cancer Research - Autumn 2012

The seminars (except for Erich Nigg 1.10) will take place on Wednesdays 12:00 - 13:00 in the Auditorium (K building).





Viola Lobert

 "Polarized epithelial integrity requires the pleckstrin homology domain leucine-rich repeat protein phosphatases PHLPP1 and PHLPP2"

Dept. of Biochemistry


Anne-Lise Børresen-Dale

 "Lessons learned (so far) from sequencing 100 exomes and 21 genomes from breast tumors"

Dept. of Genetics


Erich Nigg


Norsk Hydros Fond guest lecture

 "The cell cycle and chromosome stability"

Director of Biozentrum, University of Basel

*14 pm, Monday!


Gunhild Mælandsmo

Ola Myklebost



 "Actionable Targets in Cancer Metastasis - from Bed to Bench to Byte to Bedside"

"Personalized Cancer Medicine"

Presentation of two projects recently awarded funding from "The Programme for Publicly-initiated Clinical Cancer Studies"

Dept. of Tumor Biology



Heidi Lyng

Randi Syljuåsen


"Clinical Radiation Biology"

"Radiation Biology and DNA damage signaling"

Dept. of Radiation Biology (new Group Leaders)



Kjetil Tasken

 "Signal networks in cancer and immune cells"

Director and Group Leader at The Biotechnology Centre of Oslo



Karl-Johan Malmberg

 "Natural Killer Cell Repertoire Diversity -  Implications for Adoptive Immunotherapy Against Lymphoma"

Dept. of Immunology (new Group Leader)


Claes Gøran Trope

 "Epithelial Ovarian Cancer: A real challange for the next 25 years ! A surgeons viewpoints"

Dept. of Gynecologic Cancer. The Norwegian Radium Hospital

Kong Olav Vs Cancer Research award 2012


Øystein Fodstad

"Information from the Institute Council"

Scientific director, ICR

Download list in Word format

The seminars (except for Erich Nigg) will take place on Wednesdays in the Auditorium of the Institute for Cancer Research at 12:00-13:00.

Institute seminar contact persons:
Alicia Llorente (Dept. of Biochemistry, & Sebastian Patzke (, Dept. of Radiation Biology)


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