Publications by Lars Engebretsen
570 publications found
Air quality, respiratory health and performance in athletes: a summary of the IOC consensus subgroup narrative review on 'Acute Respiratory Illness in Athletes'
Br J Sports Med (in press)
DOI 10.1136/bjsports-2024-109145, PubMed 39919804 -
Clinical, Functional, Sports Participation, and Osteoarthritis Outcomes After ACL Injury: Ten-Year Follow-up Study of the Delaware-Oslo ACL Cohort Treatment Algorithm
J Bone Joint Surg Am (in press)
DOI 10.2106/JBJS.24.00243, PubMed 39919167 -
Adequate Failure Loads for Modified Lemaire Lateral Extra-articular Tenodesis Are Achieved With an Interference Screw, Staple, and Suture Anchor: A Biomechanical Study of Structural Properties
Am J Sports Med, 53 (2), 327-332
DOI 10.1177/03635465241305739, PubMed 39760525 -
Patient-Reported Outcomes of Bicruciate Multiligament Versus Single Cruciate Multiligament Knee Injuries
Am J Sports Med, 53 (1), 138-146
DOI 10.1177/03635465241293743, PubMed 39741479 -
Snow sports-specific extension of the IOC consensus statement: methods for recording and reporting epidemiological data on injury and illness in sports
Br J Sports Med, 59 (1), 8-23
DOI 10.1136/bjsports-2024-108720, PubMed 39515849 -
No difference in osteoarthritis, but less graft failures after 5 years, comparing anatomic double-bundle to anatomic single-bundle ACL reconstruction
Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc (in press)
DOI 10.1002/ksa.12528, PubMed 39506539 -
Infographic. Multiligament knee injury (MLKI): an expert consensus statement on nomenclature, diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation
Br J Sports Med, 58 (23), 1463-1465
DOI 10.1136/bjsports-2024-109051, PubMed 39496479 -
Arthroscopic partial meniscectomy versus exercise therapy for degenerative meniscal tears: 10-year follow-up of the OMEX randomised controlled trial
Br J Sports Med, 59 (2), 91-98
DOI 10.1136/bjsports-2024-108644, PubMed 39326908 -
The Fibular Collateral Ligament Is a More Important Restraint to Varus Laxity Compared to the Anterolateral Complex in the Anterior Cruciate Ligament-Deficient Knee in a Cadaveric Biomechanical Study
Arthroscopy (in press)
DOI 10.1016/j.arthro.2024.09.025, PubMed 39326574 -
Long-Term Outcomes of Arthroscopically Verified Focal Cartilage Lesions in the Knee: A 19-Year Multicenter Follow-up with Patient-Reported Outcomes
J Bone Joint Surg Am, 106 (21), 1991-2000
DOI 10.2106/JBJS.23.00568, PubMed 39283959 -
Cryotherapy for treating soft tissue injuries in sport medicine: a critical review
Br J Sports Med, 58 (20), 1215-1223
DOI 10.1136/bjsports-2024-108304, PubMed 39237265 -
Multiligament knee injury (MLKI): an expert consensus statement on nomenclature, diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation
Br J Sports Med, 58 (23), 1385-1400
DOI 10.1136/bjsports-2024-108089, PubMed 39237264 -
IOC consensus statement on elite youth athletes competing at the Olympic Games: essentials to a healthy, safe and sustainable paradigm
Br J Sports Med, 58 (17), 946-965
DOI 10.1136/bjsports-2024-108186, PubMed 39197945 -
The gender and sex data gap in anterior cruciate ligament injuries in paediatric patients
Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc, 32 (10), 2500-2504
DOI 10.1002/ksa.12397, PubMed 39126265 -
Analysis of the Characteristics of Patients Visiting the Tokyo 2020 Olympics Polyclinic
Clin J Sport Med, 35 (1), 93-99
DOI 10.1097/JSM.0000000000001265, PubMed 39120560 -
Ice challenge in recent summer olympic games
Br J Sports Med, 58 (17), 943-945
DOI 10.1136/bjsports-2024-108664, PubMed 39054047 -
Favorable Patient-Reported, Clinical, and Functional Outcomes 2 Years After ACL Repair and InternalBrace Augmentation Compared With ACL Reconstruction and Healthy Controls: Letter to the Editor
Am J Sports Med, 52 (8), NP15
DOI 10.1177/03635465241247750, PubMed 38946455 -
Supratubercle Anterior Closing Wedge Osteotomy: No Changes in Patellar Height and Significant Decreases in Anterior Tibial Translation at 6 Months Postoperatively
Am J Sports Med, 52 (8), 1990-1996
DOI 10.1177/03635465241252982, PubMed 38828643 -
Development of sports medicine in the International Olympic Committee
Br J Sports Med, 58 (15), 813-815
DOI 10.1136/bjsports-2024-108201, PubMed 38811060 -
Functional anterior cruciate ligament braces may have a role in select patient groups although there is presently limited evidence supporting or refuting their routine use: A scoping review of clinical practice guidelines and an updated bracing classification
Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc, 32 (7), 1690-1699
DOI 10.1002/ksa.12203, PubMed 38651562 -
Rates of Subjective Failure After Both Isolated and Combined Posterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction: A Study From the Norwegian Knee Ligament Registry 2004-2021
Am J Sports Med, 52 (6), 1491-1497
DOI 10.1177/03635465241238461, PubMed 38551134 -
Biomechanical considerations for graft choice in anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction
Ann Jt, 8, 17
DOI 10.21037/aoj-22-50, PubMed 38529237 -
Autologous Chondrocyte Implantation Is Not Better Than Arthroscopic Debridement for the Treatment of Symptomatic Cartilage Lesions of the Knee: Two-Year Results From a Randomized-Controlled Trial
Arthrosc Sports Med Rehabil, 6 (2), 100909
DOI 10.1016/j.asmr.2024.100909, PubMed 38495635 -
Knee dislocations with vascular injuries - a review article
Dan Med J, 71 (3)
DOI 10.61409/A08230529, PubMed 38445318 -
Increased risk for early revision with quadriceps graft compared with patellar tendon graft in primary ACL reconstructions
Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc, 32 (3), 656-665
DOI 10.1002/ksa.12081, PubMed 38375583 -
Social media impact on athlete mental health: #RealityCheck
Br J Sports Med (in press)
DOI 10.1136/bjsports-2023-107651, PubMed 38373828 -
Unsupervised Machine Learning of the Combined Danish and Norwegian Knee Ligament Registers: Identification of 5 Distinct Patient Groups With Differing ACL Revision Rates
Am J Sports Med, 52 (4), 881-891
DOI 10.1177/03635465231225215, PubMed 38343270 -
Previous cartilage surgery is associated with inferior patient-reported outcomes after knee arthroplasty
Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc, 32 (2), 361-370
DOI 10.1002/ksa.12050, PubMed 38294966 -
External validation of the Norwegian anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction revision prediction model using patients from the STABILITY 1 Trial
Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc, 32 (2), 206-213
DOI 10.1002/ksa.12031, PubMed 38226736 -
The Delaware-Oslo ACL Cohort treatment algorithm yields superior outcomes to usual care 9-12 years after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction
Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc, 32 (2), 214-222
DOI 10.1002/ksa.12039, PubMed 38226690 -
Avoiding the 'REDs Card'. We all have a role in the mitigation of REDs in athletes
Br J Sports Med, 57 (17), 1063-1064
DOI 10.1136/bjsports-2023-106749, PubMed 38155734 -
Utilization of Imaging for Severe Injuries at the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympic Games
Can Assoc Radiol J, 75 (2), 397-403
DOI 10.1177/08465371231212110, PubMed 37982309 -
Olympic Games during nationwide lockdown: sports injuries and illnesses, including COVID-19, at the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics
Br J Sports Med (in press)
DOI 10.1136/bjsports-2023-107412, PubMed 37875331 -
2023 International Olympic Committee's (IOC) consensus statement on Relative Energy Deficiency in Sport (REDs)
Br J Sports Med, 57 (17), 1073-1097
DOI 10.1136/bjsports-2023-106994, PubMed 37752011 -
A Machine Learning Model Demonstrates Excellent Performance in Predicting Subscapularis Tears Based on Pre-Operative Imaging Parameters Alone
Arthroscopy, 40 (4), 1044-1055
DOI 10.1016/j.arthro.2023.08.084, PubMed 37716627 -
Injury Patterns in Posterolateral Corner Knee Injury
Orthop J Sports Med, 11 (8), 23259671231184468
DOI 10.1177/23259671231184468, PubMed 37663094 -
Global Alliance for the Promotion of Physical Activity: the Hamburg Declaration
BMJ Open Sport Exerc Med, 9 (3), e001626
DOI 10.1136/bmjsem-2023-001626, PubMed 37533594 -
Major Increase in Incidence of Pediatric ACL Reconstructions From 2005 to 2021: A Study From the Norwegian Knee Ligament Register
Am J Sports Med, 51 (11), 2891-2899
DOI 10.1177/03635465231185742, PubMed 37497771 -
Surveillance of athlete mental health symptoms and disorders: a supplement to the International Olympic Committee's consensus statement on injury and illness surveillance
Br J Sports Med, 57 (21), 1351-1360
DOI 10.1136/bjsports-2022-106687, PubMed 37468210 -
Behind the podium and the glory: the IOC Olympian Health Cohort
Br J Sports Med, 57 (21), 1339-1340
DOI 10.1136/bjsports-2023-106830, PubMed 37399319 -
Ceiling Effect of the Combined Norwegian and Danish Knee Ligament Registers Limits Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction Outcome Prediction
Am J Sports Med, 51 (9), 2324-2332
DOI 10.1177/03635465231177905, PubMed 37289071 -
Epidemiology of International Match Injuries in Scottish Rugby: A Prospective Cohort Study
Int J Sports Med, 44 (11), 805-812
DOI 10.1055/a-2038-3452, PubMed 37279793 -
The Long-Term Risk of Knee Arthroplasty in Patients with Arthroscopically Verified Focal Cartilage Lesions: A Linkage Study with the Norwegian Arthroplasty Register, 1999 to 2020
J Bone Joint Surg Am, 105 (12), 951-961
DOI 10.2106/JBJS.22.01174, PubMed 37104554 -
Adolescent Athlete With Semimembranosus Tendinopathy Requiring Operative Intervention: A Case Report and Review of the Literature
Orthop J Sports Med, 11 (2), 23259671221147556
DOI 10.1177/23259671221147556, PubMed 36756170 -
Return to Pivoting Sports after Cartilage Repair Surgery of the Knee: A Scoping Review
Cartilage, 14 (1), 17-25
DOI 10.1177/19476035221141416, PubMed 36661094 -
New sports, COVID-19 and the heat: sports injuries and illnesses in the Tokyo 2020 Summer Olympics
Br J Sports Med (in press)
DOI 10.1136/bjsports-2022-106155, PubMed 36588430 -
Risk of total hip arthroplasty after elite sport: linking 3304 former world-class athletes with the Norwegian Arthroplasty Register
Br J Sports Med, 57 (1), 33-9 (in press)
DOI 10.1136/bjsports-2022-105575, PubMed 36588424 -
Epidemiology of MRI-detected muscle injury in athletes participating in the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games
Br J Sports Med, 57 (4), 218-24 (in press)
DOI 10.1136/bjsports-2022-105827, PubMed 36588405 -
Position statement: IOC framework on fairness, inclusion and non-discrimination on the basis of gender identity and sex variations
Br J Sports Med, 57 (1), 26-32
DOI 10.1136/bjsports-2022-106386, PubMed 36526281 -
Frequency of MRI-detected peripheral osteoarthritis in athletes during the Summer Olympics in Rio 2016
Osteoarthr Cartil Open, 3 (4), 100199
DOI 10.1016/j.ocarto.2021.100199, PubMed 36474759 -
Posterior Lateral Meniscal Root and Oblique Radial Tears: The Biomechanical Evidence Supports Repair of These Tears, Although Long-Term Clinical Studies Are Necessary
Arthroscopy, 38 (12), 3095-3101
DOI 10.1016/j.arthro.2022.09.015, PubMed 36462774 -
Predicting subjective failure of ACL reconstruction: a machine learning analysis of the Norwegian Knee Ligament Register and patient reported outcomes
J ISAKOS, 7 (3), 1-9
DOI 10.1016/j.jisako.2021.12.005, PubMed 36178391 -
Comparative Outcomes After Superficial Medial Collateral Ligament Augmented Repair vs Reconstruction: Response
Am J Sports Med, 50 (12), NP53-NP54
DOI 10.1177/03635465221113587, PubMed 36177756 -
IOC consensus statement on recommendations and regulations for sport events in the heat
Br J Sports Med, 57 (1), 8-25
DOI 10.1136/bjsports-2022-105942, PubMed 36150754 -
Four Distinct 5-Year Trajectories of Knee Function Emerge in Patients Who Followed the Delaware-Oslo ACL Cohort Treatment Algorithm
Am J Sports Med, 50 (11), 2944-2952
DOI 10.1177/03635465221116313, PubMed 35975945 -
Prevalence of and factors associated with osteoarthritis and pain in retired Olympians compared with the general population: part 2 - the spine and upper limb
Br J Sports Med (in press)
DOI 10.1136/bjsports-2021-104978, PubMed 35961762 -
Imaging-detected bone stress injuries at the Tokyo 2020 summer Olympics: epidemiology, injury onset, and competition withdrawal rate
BMC Musculoskelet Disord, 23 (1), 763
DOI 10.1186/s12891-022-05725-8, PubMed 35948918 -
International Olympic Committee (IOC) consensus statement on acute respiratory illness in athletes part 1: acute respiratory infections
Br J Sports Med (in press)
DOI 10.1136/bjsports-2022-105759, PubMed 35863871 -
ACL Reconstruction Patients Have Increased Risk of Knee Arthroplasty at 15 Years of Follow-up: Data from the Norwegian Knee Ligament Register and the Norwegian Arthroplasty Register from 2004 to 2020
JB JS Open Access, 7 (2)
DOI 10.2106/JBJS.OA.22.00023, PubMed 35747170 -
International Olympic Committee (IOC) consensus statement on acute respiratory illness in athletes part 2: non-infective acute respiratory illness
Br J Sports Med (in press)
DOI 10.1136/bjsports-2022-105567, PubMed 35623888 -
Concussion in sport: the consensus process continues
Br J Sports Med, 56 (19), 1059-60 (in press)
DOI 10.1136/bjsports-2022-105673, PubMed 35523538 -
Good validity in the Norwegian Knee Ligament Register: assessment of data quality for key variables in primary and revision cruciate ligament reconstructions from 2004 to 2013
BMC Musculoskelet Disord, 23 (1), 231
DOI 10.1186/s12891-022-05183-2, PubMed 35264137 -
[Stress fracture of the calcaneus]
Tidsskr Nor Laegeforen, 142 (4)
DOI 10.4045/tidsskr.21.0613, PubMed 35239271 -
Comparative Outcomes Occur After Superficial Medial Collateral Ligament Augmented Repair vs Reconstruction: A Prospective Multicenter Randomized Controlled Equivalence Trial
Am J Sports Med, 50 (4), 968-976
DOI 10.1177/03635465211069373, PubMed 35107354 -
Machine learning algorithm to predict anterior cruciate ligament revision demonstrates external validity
Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc, 30 (2), 368-375
DOI 10.1007/s00167-021-06828-w, PubMed 34973096 -
Injuries in elite women's ski jumping: a cohort study following three International Ski Federation (FIS) World Cup seasons from 2017-2018 to 2019-2020
Br J Sports Med, 56 (1), 35-40
DOI 10.1136/bjsports-2021-104198, PubMed 34893472 -
Effect of Concomitant Meniscal Lesions and Meniscal Surgery in ACL Reconstruction With 5-Year Follow-Up: A Nationwide Prospective Cohort Study From Norway and Sweden of 8408 Patients
Orthop J Sports Med, 9 (10), 23259671211038375
DOI 10.1177/23259671211038375, PubMed 34722785 -
Predicting Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction Revision: A Machine Learning Analysis Utilizing the Norwegian Knee Ligament Register
J Bone Joint Surg Am, 104 (2), 145-153
DOI 10.2106/JBJS.21.00113, PubMed 34662318 -
Association of markers of patellofemoral maltracking to cartilage damage and bone marrow lesions on MRI: Data from the 2016 Olympic Games of Rio De Janeiro
Eur J Radiol Open, 8, 100381
DOI 10.1016/j.ejro.2021.100381, PubMed 34660850 -
Full thickness quadriceps tendon grafts with bone had similar material properties to bone-patellar tendon-bone and a four-strand semitendinosus grafts: a biomechanical study
Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc, 30 (5), 1786-1794
DOI 10.1007/s00167-021-06738-x, PubMed 34591124 -
Qualitative and Quantitative Anatomy of the Human Quadriceps Tendon in Young Cadaveric Specimens
Orthop J Sports Med, 9 (9), 23259671211037305
DOI 10.1177/23259671211037305, PubMed 34541017 -
Assessing implementation, limited efficacy, and acceptability of the BEAST tool: A rehabilitation and return-to-sport decision tool for nonprofessional athletes with anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction
Phys Ther Sport, 52, 147-154
DOI 10.1016/j.ptsp.2021.08.011, PubMed 34492443 -
Low Rates of Radiographic Knee Osteoarthritis 5 Years After ACL Reconstruction or Rehabilitation Alone: The Delaware-Oslo ACL Cohort Study
Orthop J Sports Med, 9 (8), 23259671211027530
DOI 10.1177/23259671211027530, PubMed 34423060 -
High incidence of acute self-reported sleep disturbances in patients following arthroscopic-assisted knee surgery
J ISAKOS, 6 (5), 259-264
DOI 10.1136/jisakos-2020-000594, PubMed 34272330 -
Wrist injuries detected on magnetic resonance imaging in athletes participating in the Rio de Janeiro 2016 Summer Olympic Games
Quant Imaging Med Surg, 11 (7), 3244-3251
DOI 10.21037/qims-20-1121, PubMed 34249650 -
Low annual hospital volume of anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction is not associated with higher revision rates
Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc, 30 (5), 1575-1583
DOI 10.1007/s00167-021-06655-z, PubMed 34236479 -
Preliminary experience of an international orthopaedic registry: the ESSKA Paediatric Anterior Cruciate Ligament Initiative (PAMI) registry
J Exp Orthop, 8 (1), 45
DOI 10.1186/s40634-021-00366-7, PubMed 34173077 -
Muscle Strength and Osteoarthritis Progression After Surgery or Exercise for Degenerative Meniscal Tears: Secondary Analyses of a Randomized Trial
Arthritis Care Res (Hoboken), 74 (1), 70-78
DOI 10.1002/acr.24736, PubMed 34151533 -
Anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction is not for all-a need for improved patient selection
Br J Sports Med, 55 (22), 1245-1246
DOI 10.1136/bjsports-2021-104304, PubMed 34103335 -
Treatment after anterior cruciate ligament injury: Panther Symposium ACL Treatment Consensus Group
J ISAKOS, 6 (3), 129-137
DOI 10.1136/jisakos-2020-000493, PubMed 34006576 -
Clinical, Functional, and Physical Activity Outcomes 5 Years Following the Treatment Algorithm of the Delaware-Oslo ACL Cohort Study
J Bone Joint Surg Am, 103 (16), 1473-1481
DOI 10.2106/JBJS.20.01731, PubMed 33999877 -
On a Trajectory for Success-9 in Every 10 People With a Degenerative Meniscus Tear Have Improved Knee Function Within 2 Years After Treatment: A Secondary Exploratory Analysis of a Randomized Controlled Trial
J Orthop Sports Phys Ther, 51 (6), 289-297
DOI 10.2519/jospt.2021.10025, PubMed 33971735 -
Be aware: new rules for corticosteroids!
Br J Sports Med, 55 (11), 575-576
DOI 10.1136/bjsports-2021-104099, PubMed 33906897 -
Machine learning in sports medicine: need for improvement
J ISAKOS, 6 (1), 1-2
DOI 10.1136/jisakos-2020-000572, PubMed 33833038 -
Robin Hood in SEM? What can we take from elite sport to give back to wider public health?
Br J Sports Med, 55 (17), 949-950
DOI 10.1136/bjsports-2021-104266, PubMed 33795227 -
MRI-Detected Knee Ligament Sprains and Associated Internal Derangement in Athletes Competing at the Rio de Janeiro 2016 Summer Olympics
Open Access J Sports Med, 12, 23-32
DOI 10.2147/OAJSM.S292763, PubMed 33727869 -
Change in Posterior Tibial Slope in Skeletally Immature Patients With Anterior Cruciate Ligament Injury: A Case Series With a Mean 9 Years' Follow-up
Am J Sports Med, 49 (5), 1244-1250
DOI 10.1177/0363546521997097, PubMed 33683924 -
Sports injuries and illnesses at the Lausanne 2020 Youth Olympic Winter Games: a prospective study of 1783 athletes from 79 countries
Br J Sports Med, 55 (17), 968-974
DOI 10.1136/bjsports-2020-103514, PubMed 33658186 -
Stress Radiographs for Ligamentous Knee Injuries
Arthroscopy, 37 (1), 15-16
DOI 10.1016/j.arthro.2020.11.001, PubMed 33384079 -
Knee arthroscopy: evidence for a targeted approach
Br J Sports Med, 55 (13), 707-708
DOI 10.1136/bjsports-2020-103742, PubMed 33288619 -
Injury incidence, severity and profile in Olympic combat sports: a comparative analysis of 7712 athlete exposures from three consecutive Olympic Games
Br J Sports Med, 55 (19), 1077-1083
DOI 10.1136/bjsports-2020-102958, PubMed 33219113 -
Athlete health and safety at large sporting events: the development of consensus-driven guidelines
Br J Sports Med, 55 (4), 191-197
DOI 10.1136/bjsports-2020-102771, PubMed 33184113 -
Self-reported sports injuries and later-life health status in 3357 retired Olympians from 131 countries: a cross-sectional survey among those competing in the games between London 1948 and PyeongChang 2018
Br J Sports Med, 55 (1), 46-53
DOI 10.1136/bjsports-2019-101772, PubMed 33168580 -
How to translate and locally adapt a PROM. Assessment of cross-cultural differential item functioning
Scand J Med Sci Sports, 31 (5), 999-1008
DOI 10.1111/sms.13854, PubMed 33089516 -
Knee cartilage damage and concomitant internal derangement on MRI in athletes competing at the Rio de Janeiro 2016 Summer Olympics
Eur J Radiol Open, 7, 100258
DOI 10.1016/j.ejro.2020.100258, PubMed 32984449 -
Correction to: Treatment after anterior cruciate ligament injury: Panther Symposium ACL Treatment Consensus Group
Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc, 30 (3), 1126
DOI 10.1007/s00167-020-06280-2, PubMed 32975622 -
Arthroscopic partial meniscectomy for degenerative meniscus tears in middle age patients: why surgeons should change their approach
Br J Sports Med, 54 (22), 1311-1312
DOI 10.1136/bjsports-2020-103330, PubMed 32972980 -
International Olympic Committee (IOC) Sport Mental Health Assessment Tool 1 (SMHAT-1) and Sport Mental Health Recognition Tool 1 (SMHRT-1): towards better support of athletes' mental health
Br J Sports Med, 55 (1), 30-37
DOI 10.1136/bjsports-2020-102411, PubMed 32948518 -
Low surgical routine increases revision rates after quadriceps tendon autograft for anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction: results from the Danish Knee Ligament Reconstruction Registry
Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc, 29 (6), 1880-1886
DOI 10.1007/s00167-020-06220-0, PubMed 32886156 -
Autologous Protein Solution Injections for the Treatment of Knee Osteoarthritis: 3-Year Results
Am J Sports Med, 48 (11), 2703-2710
DOI 10.1177/0363546520944891, PubMed 32870042 -
Treatment after ACL injury: Panther Symposium ACL Treatment Consensus Group
Br J Sports Med, 55 (1), 14-22
DOI 10.1136/bjsports-2020-102200, PubMed 32661128 -
Return to Sport After Anterior Cruciate Ligament Injury: Panther Symposium ACL Injury Return to Sport Consensus Group
Orthop J Sports Med, 8 (6), 2325967120930829
DOI 10.1177/2325967120930829, PubMed 32647735 -
Treatment After Anterior Cruciate Ligament Injury: Panther Symposium ACL Treatment Consensus Group
Orthop J Sports Med, 8 (6), 2325967120931097
DOI 10.1177/2325967120931097, PubMed 32637434 -
Clinical Characteristics and Outcomes After Primary ACL Reconstruction and Meniscus Ramp Repair
Orthop J Sports Med, 8 (4), 2325967120912427
DOI 10.1177/2325967120912427, PubMed 32426400 -
Response to Letter to the Editor: "Osteoarthritis progression after exercise therapy or meniscectomy in patients with degenerative meniscal tears"
Osteoarthritis Cartilage, 28 (8), 1148-1149
DOI 10.1016/j.joca.2020.05.003, PubMed 32416222 -
Treatment after anterior cruciate ligament injury: Panther Symposium ACL Treatment Consensus Group
Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc, 28 (8), 2390-2402
DOI 10.1007/s00167-020-06012-6, PubMed 32388664 -
Compensation claims after knee cartilage surgery is rare. A registry-based study from Scandinavia from 2010 to 2015
BMC Musculoskelet Disord, 21 (1), 287
DOI 10.1186/s12891-020-03311-4, PubMed 32384890 -
Response letter to "Higher re-rupture rate in quadriceps tendon ACL reconstruction surgeries performed in Denmark: let's return to the mean" by Matthieu Ollivier (Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc. doi: 10.1007/s00167-019-05751-5)
Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc, 28 (11), 3657-3658
DOI 10.1007/s00167-020-06042-0, PubMed 32377795 -
Editorial Commentary: Those Who Don't Know History Are Condemned to Repeat It-What Are the Next Steps to Improve Posterolateral Knee Outcomes?
Arthroscopy, 36 (5), 1386-1389
DOI 10.1016/j.arthro.2020.02.011, PubMed 32370900 -
Young men in sports are at highest risk of acromioclavicular joint injuries: a prospective cohort study
Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc, 29 (7), 2039-2045
DOI 10.1007/s00167-020-05958-x, PubMed 32270265 -
[Femoral neck stress fracture]
Tidsskr Nor Laegeforen, 140 (5)
DOI 10.4045/tidsskr.19.0201, PubMed 32238961 -
Global Forum: Orthopaedic Physicians in the Winter and Summer Olympic Games
J Bone Joint Surg Am, 102 (11), e52
DOI 10.2106/JBJS.19.01245, PubMed 32187122 -
Development of osteoarthritis in patients with degenerative meniscal tears treated with exercise therapy or surgery: a randomized controlled trial
Osteoarthritis Cartilage, 28 (7), 897-906
DOI 10.1016/j.joca.2020.01.020, PubMed 32184135 -
International Olympic Committee Consensus Statement: Methods for Recording and Reporting of Epidemiological Data on Injury and Illness in Sports 2020 (Including the STROBE Extension for Sports Injury and Illness Surveillance (STROBE-SIIS))
Orthop J Sports Med, 8 (2), 2325967120902908
DOI 10.1177/2325967120902908, PubMed 32118084 -
Medial-Sided Injuries in the Multiple Ligament Knee Injury
J Knee Surg, 33 (5), 431-439
DOI 10.1055/s-0039-3402768, PubMed 32074659 -
International Olympic Committee consensus statement: methods for recording and reporting of epidemiological data on injury and illness in sport 2020 (including STROBE Extension for Sport Injury and Illness Surveillance (STROBE-SIIS))
Br J Sports Med, 54 (7), 372-389
DOI 10.1136/bjsports-2019-101969, PubMed 32071062 -
Activity and functional readiness, not age, are the critical factors for second anterior cruciate ligament injury - the Delaware-Oslo ACL cohort study
Br J Sports Med, 54 (18), 1099-1102
DOI 10.1136/bjsports-2019-100623, PubMed 32046955 -
Comprehensive Case-Based Review of Knee Ligament Injuries
Instr Course Lect, 68, 513-544
PubMed 32032066 -
Editorial Commentary: The Anterior Cruciate Ligament Cannot be Reliably Repaired: Studies With a Control Group are Needed!
Arthroscopy, 36 (2), 613-614
DOI 10.1016/j.arthro.2019.12.015, PubMed 32014189 -
Evidence too weak to guide surgical treatment decisions for anterior cruciate ligament injury: a systematic review of the risk of new meniscal tears after anterior cruciate ligament injury
Br J Sports Med, 54 (9), 520-527
DOI 10.1136/bjsports-2019-100956, PubMed 31959673 -
MRI-detected spinal disc degenerative changes in athletes participating in the Rio de Janeiro 2016 Summer Olympics games
BMC Musculoskelet Disord, 21 (1), 45
DOI 10.1186/s12891-020-3057-3, PubMed 31959161 -
Autologous BPTB ACL Reconstruction Results in Lower Failure Rates Than ACL Repair with and without Synthetic Augmentation at 30 Years of Follow-up: A Prospective Randomized Study
J Bone Joint Surg Am, 101 (23), 2074-2081
DOI 10.2106/JBJS.19.00098, PubMed 31800420 -
How do the new Olympic sports compare with the traditional Olympic sports? Injury and illness at the 2018 Youth Olympic Summer Games in Buenos Aires, Argentina
Br J Sports Med, 54 (3), 168-175
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Elbow Injuries Detected on Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Athletes Participating in the Rio de Janeiro 2016 Summer Olympic Games
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Does surgery reduce knee osteoarthritis, meniscal injury and subsequent complications compared with non-surgery after ACL rupture with at least 10 years follow-up? A systematic review and meta-analysis
Br J Sports Med, 54 (10), 592-598
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Quadriceps tendon autograft for anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction is associated with high revision rates: results from the Danish Knee Ligament Registry
Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc, 28 (7), 2163-2169
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Graft Diameter and Graft Type as Predictors of Anterior Cruciate Ligament Revision: A Cohort Study Including 18,425 Patients from the Swedish and Norwegian National Knee Ligament Registries
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Injuries in elite women's ski jumping: surveillance through the 2017-18 FIS World Cup season
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Coper Classification Early After ACL Rupture Changes With Progressive Neuromuscular and Strength Training and Is Associated With 2-Year Success: Response
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How sport and exercise medicine research can protect athlete health and promote athlete performance
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Similar risk of ACL graft revision for alpine skiers, football and handball players: the graft revision rate is influenced by age and graft choice
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Single-Stage Multiple-Ligament Knee Reconstructions for Sports-Related Injuries: Outcomes in 194 Patients
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Infographic: Mental health in elite athletes. An IOC consensus statement
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Complex Tears, Extrusion, and Larger Excision Are Prognostic Factors for Worse Outcomes 1 and 2 Years After Arthroscopic Partial Meniscectomy for Degenerative Meniscal Tears: A Secondary Explorative Study of the Surgically Treated Group From the Odense-Oslo Meniscectomy Versus Exercise (OMEX) Trial
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Sports injury and illness incidence in the PyeongChang 2018 Olympic Winter Games: a prospective study of 2914 athletes from 92 countries
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Infographic. Sleep disorders in athletes
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Quantitative and Qualitative Assessment of Posterolateral Meniscal Anatomy: Defining the Popliteal Hiatus, Popliteomeniscal Fascicles, and the Lateral Meniscotibial Ligament
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Mental health in elite athletes: International Olympic Committee consensus statement (2019)
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Re-revision Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction: An Evaluation From the Norwegian Knee Ligament Registry
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Platelet-Rich Plasma for Patellar Tendinopathy: A Randomized Controlled Trial of Leukocyte-Rich PRP or Leukocyte-Poor PRP Versus Saline
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Knee Pathology in Young Adults After Pediatric Anterior Cruciate Ligament Injury: A Prospective Case Series of 47 Patients With a Mean 9.5-Year Follow-up
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15 years of the Scandinavian knee ligament registries: lessons, limitations and likely prospects
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Infographic. International Olympic Committee consensus statement on pain management in athletes: non-pharmacological strategies
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What's the rate of knee osteoarthritis 10 years after anterior cruciate ligament injury? An updated systematic review
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Young age and high BMI are predictors of early revision surgery after primary anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction: a cohort study from the Swedish and Norwegian knee ligament registries based on 30,747 patients
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Fibular Collateral Ligament/ Posterolateral Corner Injury: When to Repair, Reconstruct, or Both
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Current Trends Among US Surgeons in the Identification, Treatment, and Time of Repair for Medial Meniscal Ramp Lesions at the Time of ACL Surgery
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Prevalence of MRI-Detected Ankle Injuries in Athletes in the Rio de Janeiro 2016 Summer Olympics
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Coper Classification Early After Anterior Cruciate Ligament Rupture Changes With Progressive Neuromuscular and Strength Training and Is Associated With 2-Year Success: The Delaware-Oslo ACL Cohort Study
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Effect of Activity at Time of Injury and Concomitant Ligament Injuries on Patient-Reported Outcome After Posterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction
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Quantitative and Qualitative Assessment of the Posterior Medial Meniscus Anatomy: Defining Meniscal Ramp Lesions
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Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction Using a Bone-Patellar Tendon-Bone Graft With and Without a Ligament Augmentation Device: A 25-Year Follow-up of a Prospective Randomized Controlled Trial
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Posterolateral corner of the knee: an expert consensus statement on diagnosis, classification, treatment, and rehabilitation
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Coping With Anterior Cruciate Ligament Injury From Childhood to Maturation: A Prospective Case Series of 44 Patients With Mean 8 Years' Follow-up
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The 6-m timed hop test is a prognostic factor for outcomes in patients with meniscal tears treated with exercise therapy or arthroscopic partial meniscectomy: a secondary, exploratory analysis of the Odense-Oslo meniscectomy versus exercise (OMEX) trial
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Medial and Lateral Meniscal Inside-Out Repairs
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Meniscal Root Repairs
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[Care pathways for patients with musculoskeletal disorders?]
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Anatomic Double-Bundle Posterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction
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Exercise therapy versus arthroscopic partial meniscectomy for degenerative meniscal tear in middle aged patients: randomised controlled trial with two year follow-up
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The epidemiology of MRI detected shoulder injuries in athletes participating in the Rio de Janeiro 2016 Summer Olympics
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A Controlled Comparison of Microfracture, Debridement, and No Treatment of Concomitant Full-Thickness Cartilage Lesions in Anterior Cruciate Ligament-Reconstructed Knees: A Nationwide Prospective Cohort Study From Norway and Sweden of 368 Patients With 5-Year Follow-up
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Editorial Commentary: Small Incisions Can Make Big Mistakes: Knee Lateral Collateral Ligament Reconstruction Is All About the Anatomy!
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MRI-Detected Sports-Related Knee Injuries and Abnormalities at the Rio de Janeiro 2016 Summer Olympic Games
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Effect of Concomitant Cartilage Lesions on Patient-Reported Outcomes After Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction: A Nationwide Cohort Study From Norway and Sweden of 8470 Patients With 5-Year Follow-up
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Factors that affect patient reported outcome after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction-a systematic review of the Scandinavian knee ligament registers
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No Difference in the KOOS Quality of Life Subscore Between Anatomic Double-Bundle and Anatomic Single-Bundle Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction of the Knee: A Prospective Randomized Controlled Trial With 2 Years' Follow-up
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Factors associated with additional anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction and register comparison: a systematic review on the Scandinavian knee ligament registers
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The epidemiology of MRI-detected pelvic injuries in athletes in the Rio de Janeiro 2016 Summer Olympics
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The Influence of Graft Tensioning Sequence on Tibiofemoral Orientation During Bicruciate and Posterolateral Corner Knee Ligament Reconstruction: A Biomechanical Study
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Effect of Meniscocapsular and Meniscotibial Lesions in ACL-Deficient and ACL-Reconstructed Knees: A Biomechanical Study
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Prevention, diagnosis and management of paediatric ACL injuries
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The rate of anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction in Australia is high: a national registry is needed
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2018 International Olympic Committee Consensus Statement on Prevention, Diagnosis, and Management of Pediatric Anterior Cruciate Ligament Injuries
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IOC Consensus Statement: Dietary Supplements and the High-Performance Athlete
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Patient demographic and surgical characteristics in anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction: a description of registries from six countries
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IOC consensus statement: dietary supplements and the high-performance athlete
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Why all the fuss about paediatric ACL rupture: isn't the meniscus much more important?
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Meaningful Change Scores in the Knee Injury and Osteoarthritis Outcome Score in Patients Undergoing Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction
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ESSKA partners and the IOC join forces to improve children ACL treatment
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Sports Injuries at the Rio de Janeiro 2016 Summer Olympics: Use of Diagnostic Imaging Services
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2018 International Olympic Committee consensus statement on prevention, diagnosis and management of paediatric anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injuries
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2018 International Olympic Committee consensus statement on prevention, diagnosis and management of paediatric anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injuries
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Infographic: Injury and illness, the 2016 Olympic Games
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Harmonising measures of knee and hip osteoarthritis in population-based cohort studies: an international study
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Inside-Out Repair of Meniscal Ramp Lesions
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Decreased Osteoarthritis Risk in Experienced Marathon Runners: Commentary on an article by Danielle Y. Ponzio, MD, et al.: "Low Prevalence of Hip and Knee Arthritis in Active Marathon Runners"
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Iatrogenic Meniscus Posterior Root Injury Following Reconstruction of the Posterior Cruciate Ligament: A Report of Three Cases
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Imaging-detected acute muscle injuries in athletes participating in the Rio de Janeiro 2016 Summer Olympic Games
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"I never made it to the pros…" Return to sport and becoming an elite athlete after pediatric and adolescent anterior cruciate ligament injury-Current evidence and future directions
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Graft fixation influences revision risk after ACL reconstruction with hamstring tendon autografts
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5th International Conference on Concussion in Sport (Berlin)
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Knee Stability and Movement Coordination Impairments: Knee Ligament Sprain Revision 2017
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Epidemiology of imaging-detected bone stress injuries in athletes participating in the Rio de Janeiro 2016 Summer Olympics
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Epidemiology of imaging-detected tendon abnormalities in athletes participating in the Rio de Janeiro 2016 Summer Olympics
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Gymnastics injury incidence during the 2008, 2012 and 2016 Olympic Games: analysis of prospectively collected surveillance data from 963 registered gymnasts during Olympic Games
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Clinical Outcomes of Knee Osteoarthritis Treated With an Autologous Protein Solution Injection: A 1-Year Pilot Double-Blinded Randomized Controlled Trial
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A multilayer biomaterial for osteochondral regeneration shows superiority vs microfractures for the treatment of osteochondral lesions in a multicentre randomized trial at 2 years
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Infographic: Consensus statement on concussion in sport
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Biological treatment of the knee with platelet-rich plasma or bone marrow aspirate concentrates
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International Olympic Committee consensus statement on pain management in elite athletes
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Sports injury and illness incidence in the Rio de Janeiro 2016 Olympic Summer Games: A prospective study of 11274 athletes from 207 countries
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Health promotion through sport: international sport federations' priorities, actions and opportunities
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Development of a pilot cartilage surgery register
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New meniscal tears after ACL injury: what is the risk? A systematic review protocol
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Risk of Revision Was Not Reduced by a Double-bundle ACL Reconstruction Technique: Results From the Scandinavian Registers
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Demographics and Injuries Associated With Knee Dislocation: A Prospective Review of 303 Patients
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Incidence and Detection of Meniscal Ramp Lesions on Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Patients With Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction
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Consensus statement on concussion in sport-the 5th international conference on concussion in sport held in Berlin, October 2016
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The Sport Concussion Assessment Tool 5th Edition (SCAT5): Background and rationale
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The Concussion Recognition Tool 5th Edition (CRT5): Background and rationale
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High prevalence of knee osteoarthritis at a minimum 10-year follow-up after knee dislocation surgery
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What strategies can be used to effectively reduce the risk of concussion in sport? A systematic review
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Towards the reduction of injury and illness in athletes: defining our research priorities
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Infographic. General guidance for the prevention of illness in athletes
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Research priorities of international sporting federations and the IOC research centres
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Sports injuries and illnesses in the Lillehammer 2016 Youth Olympic Winter Games
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No degeneration found in focal cartilage defects evaluated with dGEMRIC at 12-year follow-up
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Multiple Ligament Reconstruction Femoral Tunnels: Intertunnel Relationships and Guidelines to Avoid Convergence
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microRNA-140 Inhibits Inflammation and Stimulates Chondrogenesis in a Model of Interleukin 1β-induced Osteoarthritis
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Anatomic Anterolateral Ligament Reconstruction Leads to Overconstraint at Any Fixation Angle: Response
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Authors' reply to Joshi
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How much is too much? (Part 2) International Olympic Committee consensus statement on load in sport and risk of illness
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How much is too much? (Part 1) International Olympic Committee consensus statement on load in sport and risk of injury
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A Randomized Multicenter Trial Comparing Autologous Chondrocyte Implantation with Microfracture: Long-Term Follow-up at 14 to 15 Years
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Intertunnel Relationships in the Tibia During Reconstruction of Multiple Knee Ligaments: How to Avoid Tunnel Convergence
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Exercise therapy versus arthroscopic partial meniscectomy for degenerative meniscal tear in middle aged patients: randomised controlled trial with two year follow-up
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Does Extended Preoperative Rehabilitation Influence Outcomes 2 Years After ACL Reconstruction? A Comparative Effectiveness Study Between the MOON and Delaware-Oslo ACL Cohorts
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Anatomic Anterolateral Ligament Reconstruction of the Knee Leads to Overconstraint at Any Fixation Angle
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Posterior meniscal root injuries
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Tunnel widening in single- versus double-bundle anterior cruciate ligament reconstructed knees
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Screening Tests for ACL Injury: Response
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The Vertical Drop Jump Is a Poor Screening Test for ACL Injuries: Response
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No negative effect on patient-reported outcome of concomitant cartilage lesions 5-9 years after ACL reconstruction
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AOSSM Early Sport Specialization Consensus Statement
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Simple decision rules can reduce reinjury risk by 84% after ACL reconstruction: the Delaware-Oslo ACL cohort study
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Sport Participation and the Risk of Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction in Adolescents: A Population-based Prospective Cohort Study (The Young-HUNT Study)
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Early osteoarthritis of the knee
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Measurements of bone tunnel size in anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction: 2D versus 3D computed tomography model
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Changes in Knee Osteoarthritis, Symptoms, and Function After Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction: A 20-Year Prospective Follow-up Study
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[The cruciate ligament register--due for a change?]
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Evaluation of focal cartilage lesions of the knee using MRI T2 mapping and delayed Gadolinium Enhanced MRI of Cartilage (dGEMRIC)
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The Vertical Drop Jump Is a Poor Screening Test for ACL Injuries in Female Elite Soccer and Handball Players: A Prospective Cohort Study of 710 Athletes
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ACL tear in kids: serious injury with high risk of osteoarthritis
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Effect on Patient-Reported Outcomes of Debridement or Microfracture of Concomitant Full-Thickness Cartilage Lesions in Anterior Cruciate Ligament-Reconstructed Knees: A Nationwide Cohort Study From Norway and Sweden of 357 Patients With 2-Year Follow-up
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Incidence of knee cartilage surgery in Norway, 2008-2011
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Erratum to: Patient demographics and surgical characteristics in ACL revision: a comparison of French, Norwegian, and North American cohorts
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Patients With Isolated PCL Injuries Improve From Surgery as Much as Patients With ACL Injuries After 2 Years
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Protection of the elite athlete is the responsibility of all of us in sports medicine
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The ESSKA paediatric anterior cruciate ligament monitoring initiative
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Anteromedial rotatory laxity
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International Olympic Committee consensus statement on youth athletic development
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Scientific Evidence Base for Cartilage Injury and Repair in the Athlete
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Knee Cartilage Defect Patients Enrolled in Randomized Controlled Trials Are Not Representative of Patients in Orthopedic Practice
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It takes more than timing: letter to the editor
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Registry data highlight increased revision rates for endobutton/biosure HA in ACL reconstruction with hamstring tendon autograft: a nationwide cohort study from the Norwegian Knee Ligament Registry, 2004-2013
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Proportion of Patients Reporting Acceptable Symptoms or Treatment Failure and Their Associated KOOS Values at 6 to 24 Months After Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction: A Study From the Norwegian Knee Ligament Registry
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Clinically relevant anatomy and what anatomic reconstruction means
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[Clinical benefits of platelet-rich plasma?]
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Outcomes After Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction Using the Norwegian Knee Ligament Registry of 4691 Patients: How Does Meniscal Repair or Resection Affect Short-term Outcomes?
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Why registries analysing cruciate ligament surgery are important
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Repair and Reconstruction of Medial- and Lateral-sided Knee Injuries
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The protection of clean athletes through the IOC research fund
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Sports injuries and illnesses in the Sochi 2014 Olympic Winter Games
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Biomechanical consequences of a nonanatomic posterior medial meniscal root repair
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Meniscal root tears: a classification system based on tear morphology
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Muscle strength measurements and functional outcome of an untreated complete distal rectus femoris muscle tear
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Consequences of tibial tunnel reaming on the meniscal roots during cruciate ligament reconstruction in a cadaveric model, Part 1: The anterior cruciate ligament
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Consequences of tibial tunnel reaming on the meniscal roots during cruciate ligament reconstruction in a cadaveric model, Part 2: The posterior cruciate ligament
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How does a combined preoperative and postoperative rehabilitation programme influence the outcome of ACL reconstruction 2 years after surgery? A comparison between patients in the Delaware-Oslo ACL Cohort and the Norwegian National Knee Ligament Registry
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Self-reported knee function can identify athletes who fail return-to-activity criteria up to 1 year after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction: a delaware-oslo ACL cohort study
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How should we evaluate outcomes for use of biologics in the knee?
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Lower risk of revision with patellar tendon autografts compared with hamstring autografts: a registry study based on 45,998 primary ACL reconstructions in Scandinavia
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Radiographic identification of the anterior and posterior root attachments of the medial and lateral menisci
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The IOC Centres of Excellence bring prevention to sports medicine
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Anatomy of the anterior root attachments of the medial and lateral menisci: a quantitative analysis
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Nonsurgical or Surgical Treatment of ACL Injuries: Knee Function, Sports Participation, and Knee Reinjury: The Delaware-Oslo ACL Cohort Study
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Posterior cruciate ligament graft fixation angles, part 1: biomechanical evaluation for anatomic single-bundle reconstruction
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Posterior cruciate ligament graft fixation angles, part 2: biomechanical evaluation for anatomic double-bundle reconstruction
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Defining the presence of radiographic knee osteoarthritis: a comparison between the Kellgren and Lawrence system and OARSI atlas criteria
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Rotator cuff tear degeneration and cell apoptosis in smokers versus nonsmokers
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Patient demographics and surgical characteristics in ACL revision: a comparison of French, Norwegian, and North American cohorts
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Structural Properties of the Meniscal Roots
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Associations between inadequate knee function detected by KOOS and prospective graft failure in an anterior cruciate ligament-reconstructed knee
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Posterior tibial tendon transfer improves function for foot drop after knee dislocation
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Anterior medial meniscal root avulsions due to malposition of the tibial tunnel during anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction: two case reports
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Microfracture technique versus osteochondral autologous transplantation mosaicplasty in patients with articular chondral lesions of the knee: a prospective randomized trial with long-term follow-up
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Improving outcomes for posterolateral knee injuries
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The importance of sports medicine for the Sochi Games
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Increased risk of revision with hamstring tendon grafts compared with patellar tendon grafts after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction: a study of 12,643 patients from the Norwegian Cruciate Ligament Registry, 2004-2012
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Epidemiology, identification, treatment and return to play of musculoskeletal-based ice hockey injuries
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Injuries in elite and recreational snowboarders
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ACL surgery is not for all patients, nor for all surgeons
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The hamstring muscle complex
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Lower muscle regenerative potential in full-thickness supraspinatus tears compared to partial-thickness tears
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Prevention and management of noncommunicable disease: the IOC Consensus Statement, Lausanne 2013
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Prevention and management of non-communicable disease: the IOC consensus statement, Lausanne 2013
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Prevention and management of non-communicable disease: the IOC consensus statement, Lausanne 2013
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Kinematic analysis of the posterior cruciate ligament, part 2: a comparison of anatomic single- versus double-bundle reconstruction
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Oral health and impact on performance of athletes participating in the London 2012 Olympic Games: a cross-sectional study
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Kinematic analysis of the posterior cruciate ligament, part 1: the individual and collective function of the anterolateral and posteromedial bundles
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Superficial medial collateral ligament anatomic augmented repair versus anatomic reconstruction: an in vitro biomechanical analysis
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Sport-specific injury pattern recorded during anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction
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Imaging of plantar fascia and Achilles injuries undertaken at the London 2012 Olympics
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High prevalence of overuse injury among iron-distance triathletes
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Elbow injuries at the London 2012 Summer Olympic Games: demographics and pictorial imaging review
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The IOC Diploma programme in sports medicine
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Imaging at London 2012 summer Olympic Games: analysis of demand and distribution of workload
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Consensus criteria for defining 'successful outcome' after ACL injury and reconstruction: a Delaware-Oslo ACL cohort investigation
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Consensus statement on concussion in sport: the 4th International Conference on Concussion in Sport, Zurich, November 2012
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Hand, hip and knee osteoarthritis in a Norwegian population-based study--the MUST protocol
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Prevalence and incidence of new meniscus and cartilage injuries after a nonoperative treatment algorithm for ACL tears in skeletally immature children: a prospective MRI study
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Biomechanical comparison of anatomic single- and double-bundle anterior cruciate ligament reconstructions: an in vitro study
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Consensus statement on Concussion in Sport - The 4th International Conference on Concussion in Sport held in Zurich, November 2012
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Consensus statement on concussion in sport: the 4th International Conference on Concussion in Sport held in Zurich, November 2012
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Consensus statement on Concussion in Sport--the 4th International Conference on Concussion in Sport held in Zurich, November 2012
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Sports injuries and illnesses during the London Summer Olympic Games 2012
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Consensus statement on concussion in sport: the 4th International Conference on Concussion in Sport held in Zurich, November 2012
Br J Sports Med, 47 (5), 250-8
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Zero tolerance: the future of head injury in sports
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Consensus statement on concussion in sport--the 4th International Conference on Concussion in Sport held in Zurich, November 2012
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The London 2012 Summer Olympic Games: an analysis of usage of the Olympic Village 'Polyclinic' by competing athletes
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Consensus statement on concussion in sport--the 4th International Conference on Concussion in Sport held in Zurich, November 2012
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Functional outcomes following a non-operative treatment algorithm for anterior cruciate ligament injuries in skeletally immature children 12 years and younger. A prospective cohort with 2 years follow-up
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Biomechanical comparison of interference screws and combination screw and sheath devices for soft tissue anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction on the tibial side
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Effect of meniscal and focal cartilage lesions on patient-reported outcome after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction: a nationwide cohort study from Norway and Sweden of 8476 patients with 2-year follow-up
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From consensus to action: knowledge transfer, education and influencing policy on sports concussion
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[Stem cell research--new hope?]
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Sport injuries and illnesses during the first Winter Youth Olympic Games 2012 in Innsbruck, Austria
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Radiographic landmarks for tunnel positioning in posterior cruciate ligament reconstructions
Am J Sports Med, 41 (1), 35-42
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Arthroscopically pertinent anatomy of the anterolateral and posteromedial bundles of the posterior cruciate ligament
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Medical services at the first Winter Youth Olympic Games 2012 in Innsbruck/Austria
Br J Sports Med, 46 (15), 1048-54
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Intraoperative findings and procedures in culturally and geographically different patient and surgeon populations: an anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction registry comparison between Norway and the USA
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Protecting elite athletes in extreme and challenging environments: advancing the dialogue
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Increased levels of apoptosis and p53 in partial-thickness supraspinatus tendon tears
Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc, 21 (7), 1636-41
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[When sports and health collide]
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The malnourished athlete--guidelines for interventions
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Single-legged hop tests as predictors of self-reported knee function after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction: the Delaware-Oslo ACL cohort study
Am J Sports Med, 40 (10), 2348-56
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The prevalence of patellofemoral osteoarthritis 12 years after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction
Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc, 21 (4), 942-9
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An isolated rupture of the posterior cruciate ligament results in reduced preoperative knee function in comparison with an anterior cruciate ligament injury
Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc, 21 (5), 1017-22
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The current evidence for treatment of ACL injuries in children is low: a systematic review
J Bone Joint Surg Am, 94 (12), 1112-9
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International Olympic Committee consensus statement on thermoregulatory and altitude challenges for high-level athletes
Br J Sports Med, 46 (11), 770-9
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Health protection of the Olympic athlete
Br J Sports Med, 46 (7), 466-70
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Registration rate in the Norwegian Cruciate Ligament Register: large-volume hospitals perform better
Acta Orthop, 83 (2), 174-8
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Comparison of community-based ACL reconstruction registries in the U.S. and Norway
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Definition and classification of early osteoarthritis of the knee
Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc, 20 (3), 401-6
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Patients with focal full-thickness cartilage lesions benefit less from ACL reconstruction at 2-5 years follow-up
Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc, 20 (8), 1533-9
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Evaluation of a simulated pivot shift test: a biomechanical study
Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc, 20 (4), 698-702
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Short-term safety and efficacy of a novel high tibial osteotomy system: a case controlled study
Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc, 21 (1), 260-9
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Responsibility of sport and exercise medicine in preventing and managing chronic disease: applying our knowledge and skill is overdue
Br J Sports Med, 45 (16), 1272-82
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Intrinsic risk factors for acute knee injuries among male football players: a prospective cohort study
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Cartilage repair in the rabbit knee: mosaic plasty resulted in higher degree of tissue filling but affected subchondral bone more than microfracture technique: a blinded, randomized, controlled, long-term follow-up trial in 88 knees
Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc, 20 (2), 197-209
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Management of anterior cruciate ligament injuries in skeletally immature individuals
J Orthop Sports Phys Ther, 42 (3), 172-83
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Fitness and health of children through sport: the context for action
Br J Sports Med, 45 (11), 931-6
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International Olympic Committee consensus statement on the health and fitness of young people through physical activity and sport
Br J Sports Med, 45 (11), 839-48
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Single-legged hop tests as predictors of self-reported knee function in nonoperatively treated individuals with anterior cruciate ligament injury
Am J Sports Med, 39 (11), 2347-54
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Effect of gender and sports on the risk of full-thickness articular cartilage lesions in anterior cruciate ligament-injured knees: a nationwide cohort study from Sweden and Norway of 15 783 patients
Am J Sports Med, 39 (7), 1387-94
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The IOC’s endeavour to protect the health of the athlete continues
Br J Sports Med, 45 (7), 551-2
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Proprioceptive deficits after ACL injury: are they clinically relevant?
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Estimating anterior tibial translation from model-based image-matching of a noncontact anterior cruciate ligament injury in professional football: a case report
Clin J Sport Med, 21 (3), 271-4
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Tenocyte apoptosis in the torn rotator cuff: a primary or secondary pathological event?
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"Knee function and prevalence of knee osteoarthritis after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction: a prospective study with 10 to 15 years of follow-up". Letter to the editor
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Kinematics analysis of ankle inversion ligamentous sprain injuries in sports: 2 cases during the 2008 Beijing Olympics
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Outcomes of an anatomic posterolateral knee reconstruction: surgical technique
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Fit for the fight? Illnesses in the Norwegian team in the Vancouver Olympic Games
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Prevention and management of knee osteoarthritis and knee cartilage injury in sports
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[The Norwegian Cruciate Ligament Registry has a high degree of completeness]
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Overtreatment of cruciate ligament injuries
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Radiographic landmarks for tunnel positioning in double-bundle ACL reconstructions
Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc, 19 (5), 792-800
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Arthroscopically pertinent landmarks for tunnel positioning in single-bundle and double-bundle anterior cruciate ligament reconstructions
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To PRP or not?
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Occurrence of injuries and illnesses during the 2009 IAAF World Athletics Championships
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IOC consensus paper on the use of platelet-rich plasma in sports medicine
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Intraarticular location predicts cartilage filling and subchondral bone changes in a chondral defect
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6-year follow-up of 84 patients with cartilage defects in the knee. Knee scores improved but recovery was incomplete
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Sports injuries and illnesses during the Winter Olympic Games 2010
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We are getting there!
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Knee function and prevalence of knee osteoarthritis after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction: a prospective study with 10 to 15 years of follow-up
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Intrinsic risk factors for groin injuries among male soccer players: a prospective cohort study
Am J Sports Med, 38 (10), 2051-7
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Anatomic posterolateral knee reconstructions require a popliteofibular ligament reconstruction through a tibial tunnel
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Structural properties of the primary medial knee ligaments
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Kinematic impact of anteromedial and posterolateral bundle graft fixation angles on double-bundle anterior cruciate ligament reconstructions
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The association between radiographic knee osteoarthritis and knee symptoms, function and quality of life 10-15 years after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction
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Mechanisms for noncontact anterior cruciate ligament injuries: knee joint kinematics in 10 injury situations from female team handball and basketball
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Clinical outcome after reconstruction for isolated posterior cruciate ligament injury
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Biomechanical evaluation of a medial knee reconstruction with comparison of bioabsorbable interference screw constructs and optimization with a cortical button
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Cancer risk in Norwegian world class athletes
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The International Olympic Committee Consensus statement on age determination in high-level young athletes
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More data needed on injury risk among young elite athletes
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Sports injuries and illnesses in the 2009 FINA World Championships (Aquatics)
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Injuries to the medial collateral ligament and associated medial structures of the knee
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The importance of sports medicine for the Olympic Games and the value of ESSKA
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Functional tests should be accentuated more in the decision for ACL reconstruction
Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc, 18 (11), 1517-25
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Intrinsic risk factors for hamstring injuries among male soccer players: a prospective cohort study
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Rugby in Rio in 2016!
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Therapeutic use of growth factors in the musculoskeletal system in sports-related injuries
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Outcomes of an anatomic posterolateral knee reconstruction
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Focal cartilage defects in the knee impair quality of life as much as severe osteoarthritis: a comparison of knee injury and osteoarthritis outcome score in 4 patient categories scheduled for knee surgery
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An in vitro analysis of an anatomical medial knee reconstruction
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The importance of sports medicine for the Vancouver Olympic Games
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The Scandinavian ACL registries 2004-2007: baseline epidemiology
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Sartorial branch of the saphenous nerve in relation to a medial knee ligament repair or reconstruction
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Cross-cultural comparison of patients undergoing ACL reconstruction in the United States and Norway
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Sports injuries during the Summer Olympic Games 2008
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Full-thickness cartilage lesion do not affect knee function in patients with ACL injury
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The International Olympic Committee (IOC) consensus statement on periodic health evaluation of elite athletes, March 2009
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The International Olympic Committee (IOC) Consensus Statement on periodic health evaluation of elite athletes March 2009
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Prevention of sudden cardiac death in athletes: new data and modern perspectives confront challenges in the 21st century
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Outcome after knee dislocations: a 2-9 years follow-up of 85 consecutive patients
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Medial knee injury: Part 1, static function of the individual components of the main medial knee structures
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Medial knee injury: Part 2, load sharing between the posterior oblique ligament and superficial medial collateral ligament
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Autologous chondrocyte implantation to repair knee cartilage injury: ultrastructural evaluation at 2 years and long-term follow-up including muscle strength measurements
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Knee osteoarthritis after anterior cruciate ligament injury: a systematic review
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Intrinsic risk factors for acute ankle injuries among male soccer players: a prospective cohort study
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You can make a difference!
Knee Surg Sports Traumatol Arthrosc, 17 (7), 703-4
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Concussion sans frontières
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Coexistence of up-regulated NMDA receptor 1 and glutamate on nerves, vessels and transformed tenocytes in tendinopathy
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Cell-based therapy in articular cartilage lesions of the knee
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Mesenchymal stem cell-based therapy for cartilage repair: a review
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Negative effects of parecoxib and indomethacin on tendon healing: an experimental study in rats
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Radiographic identification of the primary medial knee structures
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Timing of anterior cruciate ligament reconstructive surgery and risk of cartilage lesions and meniscal tears: a cohort study based on the Norwegian National Knee Ligament Registry
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The effect of parecoxib and indometacin on tendon-to-bone healing in a bone tunnel: an experimental study in rats
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Sports injuries surveillance during the 2007 IAAF World Athletics Championships
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Why knee ligament registries are important.
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Use of bisphosphonates for the treatment of stress fractures in athletes
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[Arthroscopy in knee osteoarthritis is one thing--surgery of the menisci another]
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Clinical application of scaffolds for cartilage tissue engineering
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Clinical studies on posterior cruciate ligament tears have weak design
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Force measurements on the posterior oblique ligament and superficial medial collateral ligament proximal and distal divisions to applied loads
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Persistence of collagen type II synthesis and secretion in rapidly proliferating human articular chondrocytes in vitro
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Negative effect of parecoxib on bone mineral during fracture healing in rats
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Bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells in a hyaluronan scaffold for treatment of an osteochondral defect in a rabbit model
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Non-contact ACL injuries in female athletes: an International Olympic Committee current concepts statement
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Injury surveillance in multi-sport events: the International Olympic Committee approach
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Prevention of injuries among male soccer players: a prospective, randomized intervention study targeting players with previous injuries or reduced function
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The effect of a proximal tibial medial opening wedge osteotomy on posterolateral knee instability: a biomechanical study
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International Olympic Committee consensus statement: molecular basis of connective tissue and muscle injuries in sport
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Performance-based functional outcome for children 12 years or younger following anterior cruciate ligament injury: a two to nine-year follow-up study
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Development of a national cruciate ligament surgery registry: the Norwegian National Knee Ligament Registry
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A randomized trial comparing autologous chondrocyte implantation with microfracture. Findings at five years
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Direction of the load on the elbow of the ball blocking handball goalie
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Injuries in Norwegian female elite soccer: a prospective one-season cohort study
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Autologous chondrocyte transplantation for the treatment of massive cartilage lesion of the distal tibia: a case report with 8-year follow-up
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The anatomy of the medial part of the knee
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Magnetic resonance imaging of the knee in Norway 2002-2004 (national survey): rapid increase, older patients, large geographic differences
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Prevention of noncontact anterior cruciate ligament injuries in elite and adolescent female team handball athletes
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Neuromuscular training versus strength training during first 6 months after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction: a randomized clinical trial
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The anatomy of the posterior aspect of the knee. An anatomic study
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Prevention of hamstring strains in elite soccer: an intervention study
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[Illness in the Norwegian team during the Olympic winter games 2006 in Torino]
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Excessive apoptosis in patellar tendinopathy in athletes
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Biomechanical analysis of anterior cruciate ligament injury mechanisms: three-dimensional motion reconstruction from video sequences
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Estimating 3D joint kinematics from video sequences of running and cutting maneuvers--assessing the accuracy of simple visual inspection
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Injury pattern in youth team handball: a comparison of two prospective registration methods
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Mechanisms of anterior cruciate ligament injury in basketball: video analysis of 39 cases
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Understanding and preventing noncontact anterior cruciate ligament injuries: a review of the Hunt Valley II meeting, January 2005
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Surgical treatment compared with eccentric training for patellar tendinopathy (Jumper's Knee). A randomized, controlled trial
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Pronociceptive and antinociceptive neuromediators in patellar tendinopathy
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Natural history of bone bruises after acute knee injury: clinical outcome and histopathological findings
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A sixteen-year follow-up of three operative techniques for the treatment of acute ruptures of the anterior cruciate ligament
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Healing of articular cartilage defects. An experimental study of vascular and minimal vascular microenvironment
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[Clinical use of COX inhibitors--a consensus]
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An analysis of the quality of cartilage repair studies
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Articular cartilage defects in a rabbit model, retention rate of periosteal flap cover
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An ounce of prevention?
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Prevalence of jumper's knee among elite athletes from different sports: a cross-sectional study
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Exercises to prevent lower limb injuries in youth sports: cluster randomised controlled trial
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No effect of a video-based awareness program on the rate of soccer injuries
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Mechanisms of head injuries in elite football
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Video analysis of injuries and incidents in Norwegian professional football
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A prospective video-based analysis of injury situations in elite male football: football incident analysis
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An analysis of an anatomical posterolateral knee reconstruction: an in vitro biomechanical study and development of a surgical technique
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Injury mechanisms for anterior cruciate ligament injuries in team handball: a systematic video analysis
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[Knee luxation--follow-up after surgery]
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[Surgery for anterior cruciate ligament injuries in Norway]
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Autologous chondrocyte implantation compared with microfracture in the knee. A randomized trial
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Use of a synthetic bone void filler to augment screws in osteopenic ankle fracture fixation
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Physical fitness, injuries, and team performance in soccer
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Rule violations as a cause of injuries in male norwegian professional football: are the referees doing their job?
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Risk factors for injuries in football
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Articular cartilage lesions in 993 consecutive knee arthroscopies
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Soft tissue problems in ankle fractures treated surgically. A prospective study of 154 consecutive closed ankle fractures
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Clinical, functional, and radiologic outcome in team handball players 6 to 11 years after anterior cruciate ligament injury: a follow-up study
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The posterolateral attachments of the knee: a qualitative and quantitative morphologic analysis of the fibular collateral ligament, popliteus tendon, popliteofibular ligament, and lateral gastrocnemius tendon
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Considerations on sample size and power calculations in randomized clinical trials
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Relationship between floor type and risk of ACL injury in team handball
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Shortening of the patellar tendon length does not influence the patellofemoral alignment in a cadaveric model
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Football incident analysis: a new video based method to describe injury mechanisms in professional football
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A clinical case and anatomical study of the innervation supply of the vastus medialis muscle
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Performance characteristics of volleyball players with patellar tendinopathy
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[Use of MR examination in knee injuries]
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[Knee injuries in the Oslo emergency ward]
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Prevention of anterior cruciate ligament injuries in female team handball players: a prospective intervention study over three seasons
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The use of MRI scan of knee injuries in an emergency department
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[Hazardous--but good for health]
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Isolated femoral mononeuropathy in the athlete. Anatomic considerations and report of two cases
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Inter- and intratester comparison of the Rolimeter knee tester: effect of tester's experience and the examination technique
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The efficacy of wrist protectors in preventing snowboarding injuries
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Accuracy of pressure and flow capacities of four arthroscopic fluid management systems
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The influence of perioperative soft tissue complications on the clinical outcome in surgically treated ankle fractures
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Failed autologous chondrocyte implantation. Complete atraumatic graft delamination after two years
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[Hazardous--but healthy. New leisure activities and sports result in increased number of new and more severe injuries]
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Risk of injury during alpine and telemark skiing and snowboarding. The equipment-specific distance-correlated injury index
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Subcutaneous migration of meniscal arrows after failed meniscus repair. A report of two cases
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The rolimeter: a new arthrometer compared with the KT-1000
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Five-year outcome of 13 patients with an initially undiagnosed anterior cruciate ligament rupture
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Effects of ketoralac tromethamine and indomethacin on primary and secondary bone healing. An experimental study in rats
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Severe hypothermic injury to the foot and ankle caused by continuous cryocompression therapy
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[World Football Cup from the perspective of sports medicine]
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Ligament force and joint motion in the intact ankle: a cadaveric study
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Mechanics of the anterior drawer and talar tilt tests. A cadaveric study of lateral ligament injuries of the ankle
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Registration of cruciate ligament injuries in Norwegian top level team handball. A prospective study covering two seasons
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Biomechanics of ankle ligament reconstruction. An in vitro comparison of the Broström repair, Watson-Jones reconstruction, and a new anatomic reconstruction technique
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Relationship between symptoms of jumper's knee and the ultrasound characteristics of the patellar tendon among high level male volleyball players
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Arthroscopic reconstruction of the anterior cruciate ligament using bone-patellar tendon-bone grafts with and without augmentation. A prospective randomised study
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Isokinetic muscle performance in healthy female handball players and players with a unilateral anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction
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Accuracy of femoral tunnel placement and resulting graft force using one- or two-incision drill guides. A cadaver study on ten paired knees
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Comparison between two techniques for surgical repair of the acutely torn anterior cruciate ligament. A prospective, randomized follow-up study of 48 patients
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Fixation strength of interference screw fixation in bovine, young human, and elderly human cadaver knees: influence of insertion torque, tunnel-bone block gap, and interference
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